Modern possibilities for correction of disturbances of cellular energetics in ophthalmology

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Disturbances in the mitochondrial functions that are responsible for energy metabolism of the cell, plays an important role in the development of many diseases of the eye. Among diseases of the vision organ the one with sufficient evidence of mitochondrial pathology is Leber’s release, which is associated with mutations of the mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid. This article provides an overview of the published literature on the research investigations of modern methods and means of correction of mitochondrial dysfunction during inflammatory and neurodegenerative diseases of the eye. Describe were the potential methods of replacement therapy and protection of mitochondria from the aggressive effects of free radicals. With the help of gene technology an increase in the number of antioxidant enzymes in the cells of the retina can be achieved. Recent authors have focused on the possibility of using mitochondria-targeted antioxidants. The possibility of controlling the main links of the apoptotic cascade and reducing the loss of retinal ganglion cells using gene therapy has been investigated in an experiment. Restoration of the balance of calcium and mitochondrial membrane potential in the phenomenon of excitotoxicity has been shown by using calcium channel blockers. We believe that gene therapy of mitochondrial dysfunction is the most promising trend for the correction of cellular energetic disturbances in ophthalmology.

About the authors

I R Gazizova

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia



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