Evaluation of the effectiveness of personality-oriented educational programs for rehabilitation of young patients with chronic non-calculous cholecystitis

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Aim. To study the effectiveness of personality-oriented educational program in the rehabilitation of young patients with chronic non-calculous cholecystitis. Methods. Examined were 64 people aged 18 to 35 years with a diagnosis of «chronic non-calculous cholecystitis in the remission phase». Conducted was a comprehensive examination and a clinico-psychological evaluation of the levels of personal and reactive anxiety, according to the method of Spielberger-Hanin, psychological diagnosis of types of attitudes to the disease, assessment of the quality of life according to the «ESADA» (Evaluation of the Situation of Adaptation, DysAdaptation). All patients participated in the educational personality-oriented program, which included individual counseling, coming up with a treatment and rehabilitation plan, visiting the «gastro-school». Results. As a result of educating of 64 patients the number of people with high levels of reactive anxiety decreased from 5 (7.8%) to 2 (3.1%), with a moderate level - from 27 (42.2%) to 21 (32.8%) and the number of individuals with low levels of anxiety increased from 32 (50.0%) to 41 (64.1%). The proportion of patients with high levels of personal anxiety decreased significantly: from 57.8 to 29.7% (p <0.001). Noted was an increase in the number of people with moderate and low levels of anxiety: from 32.8 to 43.8% and from 9.8 to 26.6%, respectively (p <0.001). The number of individuals with the type of attitude to the disease of the first block increased, with a clear trend towards an increase in patients with an ergopathic type attitude to the disease by the end of classes: from 6.3 to 25.0% (p <0.001). Among the type of attitide to the disease of the second block the largest positive trend was registered among individuals with anxious (from 23.4 to 12.5%) and hypochondriacal (from 43.8 to 29.7%) types. Before training only 9 (14.1%) patients were compliant with guidelines on therapeutic nutrition, 19 (29.7%) patients maintained the diet, but not on a regular basis; and after the training 41 (64.4%) individuals started maintaining the diet, 23 (35.9%) people - not on a regular basis. Prior to the training 7 (10.9%) patients had regular physical exercise, 18 (28.1%) - occasional physical exercise; upon completion of the training 18 (28.1%) patients engaged in regular physical exercise, 39 (60.9%) - in occasional physical exercise. 4 (6.3%) patients were able to «cope with the stress» prior to training, and 34 (53.1%) patients - upon completion of training. Conclusion. The developed personality-oriented educational program for patients with diseases of the biliary system has proven its effectiveness: the features of the psycho-emotional area have improved, favorable healthy lifestyles habits have developed.

About the authors

G Ya Khismatullina

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

Email: slasg@mail.ru

V V Ulyamaeva

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

L V Volevach

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia

E S Bashirova

Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia


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© 2012 Khismatullina G.Y., Ulyamaeva V.V., Volevach L.V., Bashirova E.S.

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