Treatment of patients with primary open angle glaucoma with the use of myotherapy

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Aim. To evaluate the effectiveness of myotherapy, which is conducted to stabilize the glaucoma optic neuropathy in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma. Methods. Treatment with the use of myotherapy was performed in 50 patients (94 eyes) with open-angle glaucoma of the I-II stage with decompensation of intraocular pressure b-c, at the age of 45 to 67 years. The control group consisted of 50 patients (100 eyes) with similar stages of glaucoma, at the age of 47 to 60 years who were treated with vascular drugs. The complex ophthalmologic examination included visometry, auto-refractometry, biomicroscopy, gonioscopy, direct ophthalmoscopy with medical mydriasis, the Heidelberg retinal tomography of the optic disc, computer static perimetry, 24-hour tonometry, tonography, Doppler ultrasound. Repeated complex examination of all patients was performed 6-12 months after treatment. Results. In the first group stabilization of the visual function and morphological parameters of the optic nerve disc was registered in 19.1% of cases (18 eyes), a positive dynamic was registered in 74.4% of cases (70 eyes). In the second (control) group stabilization was achieved in 16% of cases (16 eyes), a positive dynamic was achieved only in 8% of cases (8 eyes), while a negative dynamic was noted in 76% of cases (76 eyes) compared with 6.4% in the first group. Conclusion. Treatment of the reflex spasm of the ciliary muscle after removal of the muscle blocks of the upper cervical spine leads to stabilization of the visual function, morphological parameters of the optic nerve and visual field expansion due to restoration of the hydrodynamic parameters as well as the cerebral and regional hemodynamics of the eye.

About the authors

A N Korobitsin

Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia; Republican Clinical Ophthalmology Hospital, Kazan, Russia



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© 2012 Korobitsin A.N.

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