A method of reconstruction of female genitalia in girls with virilization

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The most common cause for female virilization is congenital adrenal hyperplasia. For anticipating the serious psychological distress related to ambiguous genitalia, these patients require plastic surgery. At present, two-step methods are preferred as more reliable. However, the surgical treatment in this case extends over several years, and can greatly affect patient’s psychosocial status. Based on the analysis of known surgical treatments, we proposed a one-step method of feminizing genitoplasty. The advantages of the proposed method allows one-step surgical treatment of girls with virilized genitalia at an earlier age, before the child reaches the period of sexual self-identity. This approach provides less psychosocial distress and reduces the number of interventions, maintaining the adequate sensitivity of the clitoris, providing moist and age-appropriate vaginal opening by using the preputium of the penis homolog and urogenital sinus mucosa at genitoplasty. The abovementioned advantages increases the surgical treatment quality and quality of life in girls with virilized genitalia. The method is reproducible by pediatric surgeons with basic knowledge of children’s anatomy. Yet, a lengthy follow-up is needed to assess the long-term treatment results.

About the authors

N R Akramov

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia

A K Zakirov

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia

Email: dwc@ya.ru


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© 2014 Akramov N.R., Zakirov A.K.

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