Characteristics of mineral composition of food used in primary schools

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Aim. To define the mineral content in foods supplied for preschool facilities in Irkutsk by laboratory methods. Methods. Food samples (whole cow milk, white bread, potato, apple, beef, «Gerkules» oat) were analyzed. The results were compared with data of food chemical contents used as reference values by «Center for Biotic Medicine» for evaluating food mineral contents. Analytic tests were performed using atomic emission spectroscopy with inductively coupled argon plasma and mass spectroscopy with inductively coupled argon plasma. Results. Food samples analysis in preschool facilities of Irkutsk revealed that these samples have significant differences in mineral contents compared with foods used in the European part of Russia. In common, examined foods contains less macro- and microelements, especially Ca, Fe, P, Si. In animal products (milk, meat) the differences were more significant both in number of elements and in absolute differences, compared to plant food (bread, potato, apple, cereal). Animal products contains less zinc. Conclusion. The gained data highlight the need for improving children’s catering, as well as for development and use of preventive measures aimed to reduce risks for diseases associated with macro- and microelements deficiencies.

About the authors

E A Tkachuk

Irkutsk Institute of Teachers’ Professional Development, Irkutsk, Russia


I Yu Tarmaeva

Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk, Russia

N A Tsyrenzhapova

Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk, Russia

A V Boeva

Irkutsk State Medical University, Irkutsk, Russia; East-Siberian Scientific Center of Human Ecology, Angarsk, Russia


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© 2014 Tkachuk E.A., Tarmaeva I.Y., Tsyrenzhapova N.A., Boeva A.V.

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