Management of providing surgical medical care in non-state day patient healthcare facilities of the railways in 2002-2011

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Aim. To study the changes of the of non-state day patient healthcare facilities performance indicators on providing ambulatory surgical care. Methods. Data of joint statistical reports of railway transport health facilities issued at 2002-2011, as well as documents that regulates providing surgical care to the population of the Russian Federation, Rosstat and Russian Health Ministry statistical data for the same period, were used for the analysis. Results. Surgical aid provided in day patient healthcare facilities of different types was changing differently. In out-patient clinics, the number of operations increased twicefold during 10 years, surgical aid provision per 10 000 population increased almost by 3 times (287%) over the 10-year period. The opposite trends were observed in day care facilities of the hospitals - the number of operations decreased, as well as surgical aid provision per 10 000 population and surgical procedures rate on 100 discharged patients from 6.5 to 3. In 2002, the structure of outpatient surgeries in day patient healthcare facilities was the following: skin and subcutaneous tissue surgeries - 41.8%, female reproductive organs - 51.4%, ears, nose and throat - 2.7%. By 2011, the structure has changed: with 70.3% surgeries performed on female reproductive organs, and 18.3% - on skin and subcutaneous tissue. Comparative assessment of the development of surgical care in day patient healthcare facilities based in out-patient clinics of JSC «Russian Railways» revealed that in this matter railway medical complex was more dynamic and developing rapidly. Conclusion. Non-state health facilities of the transport industry (for example, medical complex of JSC «Russian Railways») have all the managerial and legislative backgroung for further development of out-patient surgery within the framework of 24-hour hospital substituting technologies in in day patient healthcare facilities based in out-patient clinics.

About the authors

A V Evstropov

Medical Care Directory - branch of the JSC «Russian Railways», Moscow, Russia


L U Kuznetsova

Vladimir Regional Oncologic Dispensary, Vladimir, Russia


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