Influence of toxoplasma gondii antigens on features of immune status at prenatal and early postnatal periods: experimental study

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Aim. To detect the features of immune status at prenatal and early postnatal periods under the influence of Toxoplasma gondii antigens. Methods. The experimental study was performed on Wistar white rats, who were the offspring of the female rats who were sensitized by T. gondii corpuscular antigen during the III trimester of pregnancy - group 1 (n=96) and on animals who were administered T. gondii corpuscular antigen at firs day of life - group 2 (n=103). Control group consisted of intact rats. Common blood test, levels of antibody-forming cells and CD3+ cells were assessed at 60 day after birth. Results. Neutrophil blood count was 1.9 times higher in the group 1 rats compared to group 2. Eosinophil blood count was 1.4 times lower in the group 1 compared to control group (р=0.01), and 2 times lower in the group 2 compared to control group (р=0.002). At the same time, lymphocyte count was comparable in the group 1 rats and control group, while it was 1.4 times lower in the group 2 compared to control group (р=0.04). Together with that, there was a reduction of CD3+ cells and antibody-forming cells in blood and spleen, which was more marked in the 2nd group. Lymphoadenopathy, thymus dysgenesia, reduced blood and spleen T-cells levels, low humeral immunity were found in Wistar white rats, who were the offspring of the female rats who were sensitized by T. gondii corpuscular antigen during the III trimester of pregnancy. Conclusion. The influence T. gondii corpuscular antigen on rats during perinatal period results in secondary immunodeficiency, persisting at 60 day of life.

About the authors

T F Sokolova

Omsk State Medical Academy, Omsk, Russia

D G Novikov

Omsk State Medical Academy, Omsk, Russia


A V Indutny

Omsk State Medical Academy, Omsk, Russia


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© 2014 Sokolova T.F., Novikov D.G., Indutny A.V.

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