Association of blood level of inflammatory mediators and morphology of coronary artery stenosis in patients with stable angina

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Aim. To study the association of morphology of coronary artery disease and pentraxin-3, tumor necrosis factor α blood levels in patients with stable angina who undergo coronary artery bypass surgery. Methods. The study included 92 patients aged 44-73 years with stable angina of II-III functional class. The coronary artery disease type was classified by AHA/ACC criteria: type A - concentric stenosis with flat plague and plague length less than 10 mm, type B - eccentric stenosis or blunt-edged stenosis with moderate calcinosis or signs of mural trombosis, with length not exceeding 200 mm, type C - stenosis with plague length over 20 mm, plague ulceration, marked calcinosis, diffuse lesions, chronic coronary artery occlusion. Pentraxin-3, tumor necrosis factor α blood levels were measured by ELISA in all patients before the surgery, 8 and 24 hours after the surgery. Results. There was a relation found between the type of stenosis and pentraxin-3 and tumor necrosis factor α blood levels. In patients with С type stenosis, pentraxin-3 blood level was 4 times higher (p <0.001) 24 hours after the coronary artery bypass surgery compared to patients with A type stenosis, and by 1.8 and 1.3 times higher compared to patients with В1 and В2 stenosis type, accordingly. Conclusion. There was a close relation revealed between the morphology of coronary artery stenosis and pentraxin-3 and tumor necrosis factor α blood levels in patients with stable angina.

About the authors

R M Mahmudov

Central Hospital of Oil Industry Workers, Baku, Azerbaijan

V S Mammadov

Central Hospital of Oil Industry Workers, Baku, Azerbaijan


L R Mirzakhanova

Central Hospital of Oil Industry Workers, Baku, Azerbaijan


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© 2014 Mahmudov R.M., Mammadov V.S., Mirzakhanova L.R.

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