Cardiovascular risk and unproportional high weight of left ventrical myocardium in climacteric women

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Aim. To study the distribution of cardiovascular risk factors, target organ damage, associated clinical conditions and to stratify the 10-year risk of arterial hypertension complications in menopausal females depending on presence of inappropriately high left ventricular mass. Methods. 107 females from city of Kazan aged 42-59 years entered the study, including 11 women with normal blood pressure, 16 patients with high normal blood pressure, and 80 patients with hypertension according to All-Russia scientific Society of Cardiologists classification (2010) with disease duration of 0-34 years. Mean age of patients with hypertension was 51.4±4.0 years. Patients with secondary hypertension were excluded from the study. All patients underwent a questionnaire survey, physical examination, biochemical blood test, ECG, echocardiography, and cervical extracranial vessel ultrasonography. Actual left ventricle mass was calculated according to R.B. Devereux et al. (1977) and was adjusted to the body surface area. Proper left ventricle mass was defined by G. Simone et al. (1998). Disproportion coefficient was calculated as a ratio of actual left ventricle mass to proper left ventricle mass. Left ventricle hypertrophy was diagnosed using the Sokolow-Lyon index and left ventricle mass index ≥ 110 g/m2 (Echo-signs of left ventricle hypertrophy). Results. In menopausal women, inappropriately high left ventricular mass was associated with significantly (р <0.05, Fisher exact test) higher frequency of obesity, especially its abdominal type, as well as target organ damage, including Echo-signs of left ventricle hypertrophy, very high added 10-year risk of developing arterial hypertension complications. It was also associated with significantly (р <0.05, the U-criterion) higher mean values of waist circumference, waist to hip circumference ratio, body mass index, total number of damaged target organs and 10-year risk for developing arterial hypertension complications. Conclusion. Distinguishing the patients with inappropriately high left ventricular mass among menopausal women is important for planning the measures to prevent cardiovascular events.

About the authors

A R Sadykova

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia

A R Shamkina

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia


R I Gizyatoullova

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia


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© 2014 Sadykova A.R., Shamkina A.R., Gizyatoullova R.I.

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