Life journey and scientific heritage of professor M.B. Vurgaft (to the 100th anniversary)

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In 2013 it is 100th birthday anniversary of M.B. Vurgaft - world known scientist, one of the founders of the aqueous humour production and drainage examination by compression tests and tonometry in a normal eye and in glaucoma patients. Moisey Bencionovich Vurgaft, professor, PhD, headed the department of ophthalmology of Kazan State Institution for Post-Graduate Medical Education, later renamed to Kazan State Medical Academy. The student of outstanding scientists - academician V.P. Filatov and professor S.F. Kalf, M.B. Vurgaft has devoted all his life to studying one of the leading problems of ophthalmology - glaucoma. He was the first in The Soviet Union who has started to study the eye fluid flow, and developed original and easily assessable study methods that are still important nowadays. A new direction of scientific research of the department targeted on glaucoma studies was formed under the guidance of M.B. Vurgaft. Moisey Bencionovich had always tried to link the scientific research with the needs of healthcare practice. He was an outstanding diagnostician, clinician and ophthalmic surgeon. Professor M.B. Vurgaft had always shared his experience and had mentored a number of outgoing students, who are currently working all over the country. He is the author of over 140 academic papers, 6 textbooks, several patents covering various questions of ophthalmology. Using the scientific data, originally gained by M.B. Vurgaft, 16 master and 6 doctoral degrees (PhDs) were completed in different institutions of CIS, Bulgaria and Hungary. During 13 years he was an eternal head of the Tatarstan Scientific Society of Ophthalmologists, an honoured member of All-Russia and Soviet Union Scientific Society of Ophthalmologists, member of the expert board of the Central (awarded with the order of Lenin) Institution for Post-Graduate Medical Education of the responsible for the development of post-graduate educational programs in ophthalmology, member of the of surgical faculty of Kazan State Institution for Post-Graduate Medical Education.


  1. Амиров А.Н., Сайфуллина Ф.Р., Абдуллаева Э.А. Прошлое, настоящее и будущее кафедры офтальмологии Казанской государственной медицинской академии (к 90-летнему юбилею кафедры) // Казан. мед. ж. - 2012. - №6. - С. 935-938.
  2. Вургафт М.Б. О патогенезе и классификации открытоугольной глаукомы // Офтальмол. ж. - 1993. - №3. - С. 172-174.
  3. Емельянова Н.А. Вклад профессора М.Б. Вургафта в изучение проблемы глаукомы // Глаукома. - 2008. - №2. - С. 66-68.
  4. Памяти Моисея Бенционовича Вургафта // Вестн. офтальмол. - 1995. - №1. - С. 40.

© 2014 Amirov A.N., Vurgaft Y.M., Tokinova R.N.

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