The main directions of zemstvo healthcare development in Kazan governorate in XIX century

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The Zemstvo reform has set a start of changes in a number of spheres of the country’s life, including health-care. The development of zemstvo healthcare in Kazan Governorate took the way of increasing the number of healthcare workers and consolidating the healthcare facilities network. Kazan Governorate zemstvo managed to create a promoted healthcare in conditions of scarce resources and lack of medical professionals. At this period, a new form of medical and sanitary attendance — medical district — was created, replacing the old patrolling system. One of the advantages of zemstvo healthcare was introduction of free drug supplies. At the end of XIX century, a developed network of pharmacies was established. Almost in all uyezds of Kazan Governorate, medical depots were functioning, providing local pharmacies with the required medicines. At the beginning of zemstvo healthcare functioning, obstetrics was singled out as a separate branch of medicine. In XIX century, special maternity beds appeared in a number of zemstvo healthcare units. At the beginning of XX century, special maternity ward for obstetric aid appeared in zemstvo hospitals, maternity clinics opened. By the early XX century, a rural healthcare system, its legal groundwork, operations and funding were established. As a result of zemstvo self-government institutions functioning, an extensive network of uyezd hospitals, paramedic stations was established, providing medical aid to rural population; stationary zonal system of medical aid was created.

About the authors

E V Morozova

Chistopol Medical School, Chistopol, Russia


A S Sozinov

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia


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© 2014 Morozova E.V., Sozinov A.S.

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