Patient satisfaction as a quality criterion of paid ophthalmologic aid

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Aim. Conduct a questionnaire survey of in private clinic patients to study the problems of ophthalmologic aid quality. Methods. The survey included 108 patients who filled in a specially designed questionnaire. Typological and variation analysis was performed, relative and mean statistical values were calculated; statistical significance of revealed differences was checked. Results. When choosing a private clinic, young people often rely on advertising, while the older patients - on the opinion of relatives and friends. Patients seek for paid services because they believe in a higher healthcare, with 59.3% of respondents believe that the quality of care is improved if they pay. Services of paid clinics are quite affordable for the majority of the interviewed patients (proposed service cost is moderate, transport accessibility, travelling time and admission queue time are quite acceptable). Generally, consumers gave a positive assessment of the clinic staff and its activities as a whole: the relationship with the doctor was characterized as trustful, attentive and respectful, involving a complete understanding of patient’s problems by the medical staff. Most respondents (92.6%) find their physician a specialist of high qualification. The main reasons for dissatisfaction with paid medical services are discrepancy between price and quality, low treatment effect, which is closely coupled with the staff competence and incorrect behavior of health workers. Conclusion. The conducted survey showed high satisfaction with medical services provided in a private clinic.

About the authors

D A Lipinskiy

Medical Scientific and Research Center «Third Eye+», Kazan, Russia

M Yu Abrosimova

Kazan State Medical University, Kazan



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© 2014 Lipinskiy D.A., Abrosimova M.Y.

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