Assessment of the risks of cardiovascular system functional disorders developing in young people aged 18–25 years

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Background. In recent years, the proportion of young people with functional disorders and diseases of the cardiovascular system has increased, in the formation of which behavioral risk factors play an important role.

Aim. To assess the risk of functional disorders developing in young people aged 18–25 depending on social status and lifestyle.

Material and methods. An observational one-stage uncontrolled study, the object of which was young people aged 18–25 years (1978 people), was conducted. The study sample was divided into four groups: working (n=200) and studying (n=313) males, working (n=526) and studying (n=939) females. To assess the relative cardiovascular risk, the groups were divided according to social status, to assess the impairment of adaptive capabilities — according to the presence of a behavioral risk factor. Comparison of independent groups was performed using the Mann–Whitney test. Testing null hypotheses about the absence of differences between the shares was carried out using the χ2 test and calculating the odds ratio.

Results. Relative cardiovascular risk was found in 21.8% of young people. The chances of risk occurrence were higher in males than in females (p <0.001), in working youth compared to students (p <0.001). The chances of reducing the adaptive capacity of the cardiovascular system were 2.1 times higher in smoking males (p <0.001) and 2.6 times higher in smoking females (p <0.001) compared to non-smoking respondents. In males with excessive alcohol consumption, in females with irregular meals and low physical activity, cases of tension in the mechanisms of adaptation of the cardiovascular system were more often noted (by 1.8; 1.4 and 1.7 times, respectively) compared with control groups.

Conclusion. The risk of functional disorders developing was more common in young males than in females, in workers in comparison with students; cigarette smoking in both sexes, alcohol consumption in males, irregular meals and low physical activity in females contributed to a decrease in the reserve capacity of the circulatory system.

About the authors

Olga S. Aminova

Yaroslavl State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6577-6278
Scopus Author ID: 57214080442
ResearcherId: GLV-1195-2022

Senior Lecturer, Depart. of General Hygiene with Ecology

Russian Federation, Yaroslavl, Russia

Natalia N. Tyatenkova

Yaroslavl State University named after P.G. Demidov

ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8934-9986

D. Sci. (Biol.), Prof., Head of Depart., Depart. of Human and Animal Physiology

Russian Federation, Yaroslavl, Russia

Andrey V. Melentev

Federal Scientific Center for Hygiene named after F.F. Erisman

ORCID iD: 0000-0002-1074-0841

M.D., Cand. Sci. (Med.), Leading Researcher

Russian Federation, Mytishchi, Russia


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Рис. 1. Значения адаптационного потенциала (АП) у курящей и некурящей молодёжи (Min, Q1, Me, Q3, Max); Ю — юноши; Д — девушки; С — студенты; Р — работающая молодёжь; «+» — наличие фактора риска; «–» — отсутствие фактора риска

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