The use of phosphodiesterase type 5 (pde-5) inhibitors in treatment of erectile dysfunction in patients with diabetes mellitus of different age groups

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Aim. To study the effect of phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors used to treat the erectile dysfunction in patients of different age groups with concomitant diabetes mellitus. Methods. The study included 293 patients with diabetes mellitus type I and II aged 17-60 years, with duration of diabetes varying from 6 months to 29 years, duration of erectile dysfunction - from 6 months to 12 years. To diagnose the erectile dysfunction, an international index of erectile function, together with routine and special methods were used. Patients were administered phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors: sildenafil, taladafil and vardenafil. The control group included men with the erectile dysfunction without diabetes. To identify the male hypogonadism, patients were examined depending on the age group: 18-29 years, 30-39 years, 40-49 years, 50-59 years. Patiens were tested for sex hormones level, male ageing questionnaires were administered. Results. The increased rate of hypogonadism (from 12.5 to 54%) was associated with older age in patients with diabetes mellitus. The androgen status index in patients with diabetes mellitus, according to the Aging Males’ Symptoms rating scale, was 37.1±1.4 points. Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors were more effective in younger age groups (57.1-91.7%) compared to older (36.8-67.3%). When comparing the study drugs, vardenafil showed better effect and relatively few side effects. Conclusion. Androgen deficiency, developing with increasing age is accompanied by a decrease in phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitors efficiency. The use of small doses of these drugs corresponding the circadian rhythm of testosterone in males with normal testosterone blood level has the same effect as large doses.

About the authors

T V Mehtiyev

Azerbaijan Medical University, Baku, Azerbaijan; Central Regional Hospital, Shaki, Azerbaijan


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