Diagnosing breast cancer based on radiotracer uptake at planar scintigraphy

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Aim. To study the radiotracer uptake at breast planar scintigraphy using a special gamma camera for breast cancer detection. Methods. The study included 120 women aged 53±9 years. Breast planar scintigraphy was carried out by BSGI (Breast Specific Gamma Imaging) method using DILON 6800 gamma camera with 99mTc-methoxyisobutylisonitrile ( 99mTc-MIBI) as radiotracer. All scintigraphy results were further confirmed by cytological and morphological verification of biological material. Results. According to nature and intensity of radiotracer accumulation in the breast, all examined patients were divided to three groups. Of 120 women, a homogeneous breast structure with no lesions was detected in 34. In 32 patients, a heterogeneous breast structure with zones of low and medium radiotracer accumulation was revealed, indicating benign breast disease. In 54 women, heterogeneous breast structure with high and ultra-high focal radiotracer uptake was found. In 36 cases, a benign disease was diagnosed, and in 18 (33%) of 54 cases, the scintigraphy results showed breast cancer, which was confirmed by the results of morphological verification of postoperative material. Breast planar scintigraphy by BSGI allowed to reveal the breast cancer, including small tumors (less than 1 cm) as focuses of 99mTc-MIBI accumulation. Sensitivity of breast planar scintigraphy in diagnosing breast cancer was 95%, specificity - 98%. Conclusion. High informative values of breast planar scintigraphy by BSGI allows to use this diagnostic method as a component of a diagnostic algorithm for breast cancer early detection.

About the authors

E L Malchugina

Republican Clinical Oncologic Center, Cheboksary, Russia

Email: rentgenolog2012@yandex.ru

V N Diomidova

Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Cheboksary, Russia

T V Agafonkina

Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Cheboksary, Russia


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© 2014 Malchugina E.L., Diomidova V.N., Agafonkina T.V.

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