L.L. Fofanof: 140th anniversary of his birth. Contribution to science

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The article is dedicated to Professor L.L. Fofanof’s scientific activity. He headed the faculty therapeutic clinic of Kazan Imperial University in 1915-1920. Being a student L.L. Fofanov was interested in pathological anatomy and physiology. His dissertation «To physiology of n. depressoris» was dedicated to studying the vasomotor center. During his visit in Germany he worked a lot. In Charite together with Professor His he studied gout and its treatment with Radium emanation. In Halle clinic under Professor Schmidt’s supervision he studied assimilation of starch in normal and pathological digestion. L.L. Fofanov also made a contribution to tuberculosis treatment: with professor V.F. Orlovskiy he studied treatment of tuberculosis with simulated pneumothorax. In his research professor L.L. Fofanov paid great attention to the issues of pathogenesis and pathogenetic substantiation of the clinical manifestation and treatment. During the World War I and Civil War he fought against typhus epidemies: he saw patients, gave lectures, studied the features of myocardial involvement. He died in 1920 from typhus.

About the authors

D I Abdulganieva

Kazan State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: elinarin@mail.ru
Kazan, Russia

E R Kirillova

Kazan State Medical University

Email: elinarin@mail.ru
Kazan, Russia

L K Bombina

Kazan State Medical University

Email: elinarin@mail.ru
Kazan, Russia

A K Khusainova

Kazan State Medical University

Email: elinarin@mail.ru
Kazan, Russia

N A Bol'shakov

Kazan State Medical University

Email: elinarin@mail.ru
Kazan, Russia

G Sh Sabirova

Kazan State Medical University

Email: elinarin@mail.ru
Kazan, Russia


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  4. Chalusov M., Fofanov L.L. Lymfangioma cavernosum cutis femoris dextri. Kazanskiy meditsinskiy zhurnal. 1903; 3 (3/4): 135–148. (In Russ.)
  5. Fofanov L.L., Lyubenetskiy G.A. K ucheniyu o novoobrazovaniyakh i kistakh podzheludochnoy zhelezy s opisaniem 2-kh sluchaev prizhiznennogo raspoznavaniya raka podzheludochnoy zhelezy. (To the doctrine of tumors and cysts of the pancreas with a description of 2 cases of in vivo recognition of pancreatic cancer.) Kazan. 1906; 40 p. (In Russ.)
  6. Fofanov L.L. K fiziologii n. depressoris. Otnoshenie n. depressora k sosudodvigatel'nym tsentram: lit.-eksperim. issled. (To physiology of n. depressoris. Relationship of n. depressor and vasomotor centers: literature experimental study.) Kazan: Imperial university typolithography. 1908; 176 p. (In Russ.)
  7. Fofanov L.L. Otchet o zagranichnoy komandirovke dokt. meditsiny L.L. Fofanova (Report on overseas business trip of dr.med.sci. L.L. Fofanov). Kazan. 1911; 24 p. (In Russ.)
  8. Semashko N.A. Bol'shaya meditsinskaya entsiklopediya. T. 28. Ptialin–Rikkera zakon. (Big medical encyclopedia. Vol. 28. Ptyalin–Rikker Law.) Moscow: Soviet encyclopedia. 1934; 848 p. (In Russ.)
  9. Fofanov L.L. Emanatsiya radiya i primenenie ee kak lechebnogo sredstva pri mochekislom diateze. (Radium emanation and its use as a therapeutic agent for uric acid diathesis.) Kharkov: Silberberg typolithography. 1911; 22 p. (In Russ.)
  10. Fofanov L.L. K voprosu o vliyanii emanatsii radiya na kislyy mochekislyy natr v zhivotnom organizme. (To the question of the effect of radium emanation on the acidic sodium urine soda in the animal organism.) Kazan. 1910. 20 p. (In Russ.)
  11. London E.S. Das Radium in der Biologie und Medizin. Leipzig: Akademische Verlagsgesellsschaft m.b.H. 1911; 199 р.
  12. Fofanov L.L. K voprosu ob usvoenii syrykh krakhmalov razlichnogo vida pri normal'noy i boleznenno-izmenennoy deyatel'nosti zheludochno-kishechnogo trakta. (On the issue of assimilation of raw starches of various types during normal and diseased altered activity of the gastrointestinal tract.) 1910; 18 p. (In Russ.)
  13. Fofanov L.L. K leche­niyu bugorchatki legkikh pri pomoshchi iskusstvennogo pneymotoraksa. (Treatment of tuberculosis of the lungs with the help of artificial pneumothorax.) Kharkov: Silberberg typolithography. 1913; 19 p. (In Russ.)
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  15. Fofanov L.L. K voprosu o lechenii vypotnykh pleyritov bugorchatkovogo proiskhozhdeniya. (To the question of the treatment of effusive pleurisies of tuberculate origin.) From the hospital therapeutic clinic of the Kazan University. 1914; 27 p. (In Russ.)

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© 2019 Abdulganieva D.I., Kirillova E.R., Bombina L.K., Khusainova A.K., Bol'shakov N.A., Sabirova G.S.

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