The experience of pancreas transplantation with isolated splenic artery supply

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Aim. To demonstrate the possibility of successful transplantation of pancreaticoduodenal complex with isolated splenic artery supply and to assess the quality of its perfusion.

Methods. 6 patients who underwent pancreas transplantation with isolated splenic artery blood supply were examined. The recipients were 3 men and 3 women, the median age was 36.5 [31; 42] years. To evaluate the state, quality of transplant perfusion and their function, the laboratory data, doppler ultrasound, measurement of blood flow volume (CT-perfusion) and treatment outcomes were assessed.

Results. Based on the results of investigations, adequate pancreatic graft blood supply through the splenic artery alone was detected. Pancreatic transplant function in all patients was satisfactory, blood glucose levels remained within normal values. Hospital mortality was 0%.

Conclusion. Successful transplantation of pancreaticoduodenal complex with isolated splenic artery supply is technically possible due to the presence of intraorganic arterial collaterals.

About the authors

A V Pinchuk

N.V. Sclifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine; Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry; Scientific Research Institute of Health Organization and Medical Management

Author for correspondence.
Moscow, Russia; Moscow, Russia; Moscow, Russia

Yu A Anisimov

N.V. Sclifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine

Moscow, Russia

I V Dmitriev

N.V. Sclifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine

Moscow, Russia

R V Storozhev

N.V. Sclifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine

Moscow, Russia

A G Balkarov

N.V. Sclifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine

Moscow, Russia

R Sh Muslimov

N.V. Sclifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine

Moscow, Russia

I V Khodilina

N.V. Sclifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine

Moscow, Russia


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© 2019 Pinchuk A.V., Anisimov Y.A., Dmitriev I.V., Storozhev R.V., Balkarov A.G., Muslimov R.S., Khodilina I.V.

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