Treatment of ischemic stroke caused by dissection and occlusion of internal carotid artery in a young patient

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The type and etiology of stroke in young patients are known to differ from those in elderly patients, that influences the diagnosis and treatment. Dissection of cerebral arteries holds the top position in the structure of the causes of ischemic stroke in children and young people below 45 years. Currently no clear guideline on the proper treatment of this pathology exists. The article presents the case of acute ischemic stroke in a young patient (the stroke was caused by the occlusion due to dissection of the internal carotid artery) successfully treated with radiosurgical method - stenting of the cervical part of the artery with the transition to petrous segment of the left carotid artery using combined proximal and distal protection of cerebral vessels. The control of patient's state and results of angiography and ultrasound demonstrate the favourable immediate and medium-term prognosis for the patient.

About the authors

G V Sazanov

Stavropol State Medical University; Stavropol Regional Clinical Hospital

Author for correspondence.
Stavropol, Russia; Stavropol, Russia

O S Belokon’

Stavropol State Medical University; Stavropol Regional Clinical Hospital

Stavropol, Russia; Stavropol, Russia

A Yu Krasnov

Stavropol Regional Clinical Hospital

Stavropol, Russia


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© 2019 Sazanov G.V., Belokon’ O.S., Krasnov A.Y.

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