Current views on the possibility of cervical insufficiency correction

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The main role in spontaneous abortion in 2nd and 3d trimesters is assigned to cervical insufficiency. According to a number of researchers, bed rest, elevated lower limbs, restriction of physical activity, tocolysis, antibacterial therapy do not affect the prolongation of pregnancy and are ineffective for preventing premature spontaneous labor. Correction of cervical insufficiency can be carried out by a vaginal form of progesterone, cerclage, pessary. The use of vaginal progesterone is justified in women with recurrent miscarriage, a history of premature birth, and shortening of the cervix to less than 25 mm. Indications for surgical correction are limited to patients with habitual loss of pregnancy due to cervical weakness or a history of premature birth. In the absence of significant obstetric history, cerclage has no advantages over the use of progesterone. The optimal time for cerclage is up to 20 weeks of pregnancy. Unlike progesterone cerclage has complications, the frequency and severity of which are attributable to the timing and indications for correction. Transabdominal cerclage is performed only when there is a technical impossibility of vaginal access due to the absence of a vaginal part of the cervix or after unsuccessful attempts of vaginal cerclages. Most often, the use of a pessary is associated with the diagnosis of a short cervix in terms of more than 24 weeks of gestation in the absence of an aggravated history. The combined use of gestagens, pessary and cerclage does not increase the efficiency of carrying a singleton pregnancy. Methods for the prevention of preterm delivery in multiple pregnancy, such as the introduction of a specialized outpatient service, bed rest, antibacterial therapy, progesterone, preventive cerclage or the insertion of a pessary do not change the incidence and mortality of newborns.

About the authors

O V Yakovleva

Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovskiy

Author for correspondence.
Saratov, Russia

T N Glukhova

Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovskiy

Saratov, Russia

I E Rogozhina

Saratov State Medical University n.a. V.I. Razumovskiy

Saratov, Russia


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© 2019 Yakovleva O.V., Glukhova T.N., Rogozhina I.E.

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