Time-dependent systemic hemostatic effects of fibrin monomer in controlled liver injury in the experiment

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Aim. To evaluate the hemostatic effect of fibrin monomer after its intravenous administration at different time periods in experimental trauma.

Methods. In the experiments, in a placebo-controlled study, hemostatic and hemostasiological effects of systemic use of fibrin monomer were studied at different time periods after its administration (in 5 min, 1 h and 3 h) in 97 male rabbits of the Chinchilla breed in the controlled liver injury model.

Results. A pronounced hemostatic effect was demonstrated for fibrin monomer used at a dose of 0.25 mg/kg demonstrated by a 6.3-fold decrease of blood loss volume (% of circulating blood volume) compared to placebo on the background of the intravenous preventive fibrin monomer administration 1 hour prior to controlled liver injury. Fibrin monomer administration at a stated dose was not accompanied by significant changes in haemocoagulative parameters including measurement of platelet count, activated partial thromboplastin time, prothrombin time, thrombin time, echitox time, fibrinogen concentration, level of soluble fibrin monomer complexes, D-dimer content, and antithrombin III activity. The effect of fibrin monomer is probably realized through some effectors, the nature of which has not yet been studied. The obtained results allow choosing the optimal interval between intravenous administrations of fibrin monomer and controlled liver injury for further study of the mechanisms of its hemostatic action.

Conclusion. Fibrin monomer in small doses (0.25 mg/kg) is able to exert a pronounced hemostatic effect with its systemic administration 1 hour prior to the injury without significant changes in haemocoagulative parameters.

About the authors

V M Vdovin

Altai State Medical University; National Research Institute of Physiology and Basic Medicine

Author for correspondence.
Email: erytrab@gmail.com
Barnaul, Russia; Novosibirsk, Russia

A P Momot

National Research Institute of Physiology and Basic Medicine; National Research Center for Hematology, Altai Branch

Email: erytrab@gmail.com
Novosibirsk, Russia; Barnaul, Russia

D A Orekhov

Altai Regional Cardiology Health Center

Email: erytrab@gmail.com
Barnaul, Russia

I G Tolstokorov

Consulting Diagnostic Center «Dobryy Doktor» Ltd

Email: erytrab@gmail.com
Barnaul; Russia

V O Shevchenko

Consulting Diagnostic Center «Dobryy Doktor» Ltd

Email: erytrab@gmail.com
Barnaul; Russia

V O Krasyukova

Altai State Medical University

Email: erytrab@gmail.com
Barnaul, Russia

I I Shakhmatov

Altai State Medical University; National Research Institute of Physiology and Basic Medicine

Email: erytrab@gmail.com
Barnaul, Russia; Novosibirsk, Russia

N A Lycheva

Altai State Medical University; National Research Institute of Physiology and Basic Medicine

Email: erytrab@gmail.com
Barnaul, Russia; Novosibirsk, Russia

G G Belozerskaya

National Research Center for Hematology

Email: erytrab@gmail.com
Moscow, Russia


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files

© 2019 Vdovin V.M., Momot A.P., Orekhov D.A., Tolstokorov I.G., Shevchenko V.O., Krasyukova V.O., Shakhmatov I.I., Lycheva N.A., Belozerskaya G.G.

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