Oxidative protein modification of the temporal bone tissue in chronic otitis media

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Aim. To study the role of oxidative protein modification of bone tissue proteins in the formation of destruction of temporal bone structures in chronic otitis media.

Methods. The study included 139 patients aged 16-75 years with a verified diagnosis of chronic otitis media, who are candidates for surgical treatment. Depending on the method of surgical treatment, patients are divided into four groups (by nosology and complications and reoperations): patients with tubotympanic otitis media and epitympanic antral otitis, without complications and with local or intracranial complications, after reconstructive sanitizing ear surgery. The state of the processes of oxidative modification of proteins was evaluated in the bone tissue of the middle ear cavities, obtained intraoperatively, by the content of carbonyl products with the use of spectrophotometry. The data were processed by descriptive statistics and were presented in the form of a median and a range between quartiles with an estimate of the reliability of the intergroup differences by the Mann-Whitney U-criterion.

Results. A comparison of the indicators characterizing the oxidative modification of bone tissue proteins of the temporal bone in patients with complicated and recurrent forms of chronic otitis media demonstrates a greater degree of free radical destruction of proteins, primarily markers of early stages of protein damage and an increase of aldehyde products, both at the basal level and in response to induction in a complicated course of the disease.

Conclusion. The obtained data allow drawing a conclusion about a high level of oxidative stress in bone tissue in destructive forms of chronic otitis media accompanied by relapses and complications, and about the perspectives of antioxidant pre-operative use taking into account the features of oxidative stress in bone tissue in patients with chronic otitis media.

About the authors

I D Dubinets

South Ural State Medical University

Author for correspondence.
Email: 89124728166@mail.ru
Chelyabinsk, Russia

A I Sinitsky

South Ural State Medical University

Email: 89124728166@mail.ru
Chelyabinsk, Russia

M Yu Korkmazov

South Ural State Medical University

Email: 89124728166@mail.ru
Chelyabinsk, Russia

E I Chernykh

South Ural State Medical University

Email: 89124728166@mail.ru
Chelyabinsk, Russia

S Yu Kukhtik

South Ural State Medical University

Email: 89124728166@mail.ru
Chelyabinsk, Russia


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© 2019 Dubinets I.D., Sinitsky A.I., Korkmazov M.Y., Chernykh E.I., Kukhtik S.Y.

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