Review on the book by V.I. Bo­rodulin with co-authors “Clinic of internal diseases in the USSR. History in faces”

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  1. Borodulin VI, Banzelyuk EN, Poddubnyy MV, Topolyanskiy AV. Klinika vnutrennikh bolezney v SSSR. Istoriya v litsakh. (Clinic of internal diseases in the USSR. History in faces.) M.: M-Print; 2021. 348 p. (In Russ.)
  2. Borodulin VI. Ocherki istorii otechestvennoy kardiologii. (Essays on the history of domestic cardiology.) M.: Meditsina; 1988. 304 p. (In Russ.)
  3. Borodulin VI. Istoriya klinicheskoy meditsiny ot istokov do serediny 19 veka. Lektsii. (History of clinical medicine from its origins to the middle of the 19th century. Lectures.) M.: Meditsina; 2008. 178 p. (In Russ.)
  4. Borodulin VI. Istoriya meditsiny Rossii. Klinika vnutrennikh bolezney vo vtoroy polovine ХIХ — pervoy polovine ХХ veka. Tsikl lektsiy. (History of medicine in Russia. Clinic of internal diseases in the second half of the XIX — the first half of the XX century. Cycle of lectures.) M.: MEDpress-inform; 2011. 189 p. (In Russ.)
  5. Borodulin VI, Sorokina TS, Topolyanskiy AV. Klinicheskaya meditsina v dvadtsatom veke. Ocherki istorii. (Clinical medicine in the twentieth century. History essays.) M.: RUDN; 2012. 382 p. (In Russ.)
  6. Borodulin VI, Topolyanskiy AV. Moskovskie terapevticheskie shkoly. 20-e — 40-e gody 20 veka. (Moscow therapeutic schools. 20s — 40s of the 20th century.) M.: NII istorii meditsiny RAMN; 2013. 181 p. (In Russ.)
  7. Borodulin VI. Klinicheskaya meditsina ot istokov do 20-go veka. (Clinical medicine from its origins to the 20th century.) M.: ROIM; 2015. 504 p. (In Russ.)
  8. Borodulin VI, Banzelyuk EN, Poddubnyy MV, Topolyanskiy AV. Klinika vnutrennikh bolezney v Rossiyskoy imperii. Istoriya v litsakh. (Clinic of internal diseases in the Russian Empire. History in faces.) M.: M-Print; 2020. 336 p. (In Russ.)

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