Skin therapeutic systems - a new way of introducing drugs into the body

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A convenient and common way of introducing drugs into the patient's body is the use of tablets, powders, solutions through the mouth into the stomach. However, it is well known that this route has a number of significant disadvantages: a long latent period, local irritant effect on the mucous membrane, a negative effect on the motor function of the gastrointestinal tract, the primary passage through the liver, which significantly reduces the effectiveness of drugs. In addition, a number of drugs simply cannot be administered in this way due to their destruction in the gastrointestinal tract or the impossibility of passing unchanged through the gastrointestinal tract into the blood. It is also important that the absorption of the drug introduced into the stomach is difficult to stop without the use of any emergency measures - gastric lavage, the appointment of laxatives.

About the authors

A. U. Ziganshin

Kazan Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Medical Institute named after S. V. Kurashov

Author for correspondence.

Department of Pharmacology, Central Research Laboratory

Russian Federation, Kazan

L. E. Ziganshina

Kazan Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the Medical Institute named after S. V. Kurashov


Department of Pharmacology, Central Research Laboratory

Russian Federation, Kazan


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