Reaction of hemostasis system in hypercapnic hypoxia after the course of mexidol assessed by the method of thromboelastography

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Aim. To study the reaction of hemostasis system to a single effect of hypercapnic hypoxia of maximum intensity in rats and possibility of correcting hemostasis disorders by means of a preliminary course of an antihypoxant - mexidol.

Methods. The study involved sexually mature male rats (48 specimens) of the Wistar line with an average mass of 274.0 ± 32.0 g. The rats were kept on a standard diet, food and water were fed once a day between 10 and 11 hours. In the evening, animals underwent a single hypercapnic hypoxia in a special flow chamber. The state of hypercapnic hypoxia of maximum intensity was modeled at O2 content of 5.0 %, CO2 - 5.0 % during a single 20-minute exposure. As a training regimen, a 30-fold course of mexidol was used, the drug was administered intraperitoneally to rats at a dose of 50 mg/kg for 1.5 hours prior to exposure to hypercapnic hypoxia.

Results. After a single exposure to hypercapnic hypoxia of maximum intensity, shortening of the onset of clot formation, an increase of alpha angle, and maximum clot density were recorded. Also, the clot formation time shortened and the maximum clot lysis index increased. With a single exposure to hypercapnic hypoxia of maximum intensity after the course of mexidol, a decrease in the maximum clot density was recorded.

Conclusion. A single exposure to hypercapnic hypoxia of maximum intensity was characterized by a shift of hemostatic potential toward hypercoagulability along with fibrinolytic system activation. The course use of antihypoxant mexidol, preceding hypercapnic hypoxia of maximum intensity, significantly reduces the risk of clot formation.

About the authors

S V Moskalenko

Altai State Medical University; Scientific Research Institute of Physiology and Fundamental Medicine

Author for correspondence.
Barnaul, Russia; Novosibirsk, Russia

I I Shakhmatov

Altai State Medical University; Scientific Research Institute of Physiology and Fundamental Medicine

Barnaul, Russia; Novosibirsk, Russia

Yu A Bondarchuk

Altai State Medical University; Scientific Research Institute of Physiology and Fundamental Medicine

Barnaul, Russia; Novosibirsk, Russia

O V Alekseeva

Altai State Medical University; Scientific Research Institute of Physiology and Fundamental Medicine

Barnaul, Russia; Novosibirsk, Russia

O M Ulitina

Altai State Medical University; Scientific Research Institute of Physiology and Fundamental Medicine

Barnaul, Russia; Novosibirsk, Russia


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© 2018 Moskalenko S.V., Shakhmatov I.I., Bondarchuk Y.A., Alekseeva O.V., Ulitina O.M.

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