The attitude of health workers to vaccination at the present stage

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Aim. Evaluation of the awareness of health workers of vaccine prevention at the present stage.

Methods. To achieve the aim, survey of health workers of the Republic of Tatarstan was conducted using the developed questionnaire. The coverage of survey was 3 250 people. Statistical processing of the results was carried out using Microsoft Excel 2010 programs.

Results. The conducted study revealed that a significant proportion (95 %) of health workers were positive about vaccine prevention, were vaccinated themselves and vaccinated their children. The most prevalent forms of informing parents of vaccinated children about adverse reactions after vaccination are oral recommendations by the doctor and information sheets about adverse reactions. The majority of interviewed health workers (89.9 %) support the initiative to cancel the right of citizens to refuse vaccination. In the opinion of health workers, the main components of successful organization of vaccine prevention in the medical organization are availability and diversity of vaccines, the level of qualification of medical personnel, and equipment of the vaccination room. Less than half of health workers were trained in specialized training on immunoprevention. The majority of health workers (86.3 %) consider it necessary to expand the national schedule of preventive vaccinations of the Russian Federation.

Conclusion. Organizational measures to inform health workers in various areas of vaccine prevention are needed to be taken; promising directions are organizing specialized courses on immunoprevention and discussion of relevant aspects of immunization of the population and adverse reactions in post-vaccination period.

About the authors

D V Lopushov

Kazan State Medical University; Kazan State Medical Academy

Author for correspondence.
Kazan, Russia

V A Trifonov

Kazan State Medical Academy

Kazan, Russia

A A Imamov

Kazan State Medical University

Kazan, Russia

F N Sabaeva

Kazan State Medical Academy

Kazan, Russia

H D Shaykhrazieva

Kazan State Medical Academy

Kazan, Russia

I M Fazulzynova

Kazan State Medical Academy

Kazan, Russia


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© 2018 Lopushov D.V., Trifonov V.A., Imamov A.A., Sabaeva F.N., Shaykhrazieva H.D., Fazulzynova I.M.

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