卷 9, 编号 5 (1895)


Image of gynecological operations on rubber models

Sobestiansky E.


The assimilation of the methods of production of gynecological operations presents some difficulties for students, due to the complexity of operations and the low availability of the field of vision. Drawings and drawings clarify the essence of the operation only in general terms, and even then not always, because the depiction and representation of complex shapes in one plane is not easy; in addition, during plastic operations, the incision line, the bloody surface stretched by tools, and the surface obtained after the imposition and tying of the seams have a completely different shape; if the drawings can understand several different moments of the operation, then with difficulty it is possible to show the very transition from one moment to another.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):437-440
pages 437-440 views

To the casuistry of central perineal tears

Sitsinsky A.


There is no disagreement between the authors about what should be considered a typical central perineal rupture. Damage to the perineum is recognized as such, in which, during childbirth, the entire thickness of the perineal tissue is torn, but in only its middle part, while the posterior commissure of the genital gap is on one side, and the rectum and anus from the other remain intact.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):441-450
pages 441-450 views

To the question of the use of constant irrigation with running vesicovaginal fistulas

Fedulov Y.


Everyone, of course, knows how horrible suffering are vesicovaginal fistulas not only in the physical, but also in the moral attitude, both in the rich, intelligent class, and especially in the poor peasant environment. The only radical cure, which is possible, however, not in all cases, is of course the surgical suturing of the fistula. But it is not uncommon for the sick to come to this help at a time when the field of the operation seems to be contaminated - therefore, one must first of all reckon with this complication. The contamination of the field of operation is sometimes so stubborn that, with the most careful application of all kinds of conventional methods of treatment, the results are far from satisfactory: the raids removed with great work quickly return; the state of health of patients worsens, forces fall, as pain, as a result of the irritation of the tissues of urine, deprives them of sleep and appetite. Here, in such desperate cases, constant irrigation, proposed by prof. N.A. Tolochinov and with success, used in his clinic, is a truly beneficial remedy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):451-457
pages 451-457 views

On the issue of accessory Fallopian tubes and holes (tubae accessoriae et ostia accessoria, Nebentuben)

Kybe N.


Despite the fact that the accessory pipes and openings do not constitute a rarity, I have not been able to find a description of the cases of this interesting anomaly in the Russian literature. As for foreign literature, the first study on this issue was produced in France in 1851 by A. Richard, who found them in 5 cases, out of 30; The accessory holes in his observations were located at a distance from a few millimeters to 2-3 cm from the abdominal opening of the Fallopian tube, in all 5 cases the probe passed through the accessory opening in the lumen of the tubes and the accessory openings were clearly expressed in all cases. Richard's cases are distributed as follows: the first belongs to the fetus of the last months of pregnancy, the second belongs to the 15-year-old girl who has not yet menstruated, and in both of these cases there are 2 more adventitious openings on the main tube next to her abdominal opening; the remaining 3 cases belong to adult women: each has one accessory opening. In Germany, Merkel in 1856 was the first to pay attention to this anomaly, in a short time he encountered 4 cases with accessory holes. The following indications are found in Rokitansk, who says that accessory holes meet quite often.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):458-467
pages 458-467 views

A case of multiplex vaginal sarcoma (Sarcoma multiplex globocellulare alveolare vaginae)

Egorov G.


While the uterus with some special love is struck by the neoplasms of the various properties, the sleeve is somehow sparing. And in general, independent neoplasms of the vagina, which would not come out of the uterus, urinary bladder and rectum, belong to a rather rare phenomenon in gynecological practice (Horvits). Mucous polyps, fibromas, fibroids, myomas and vaginal cysts are benign neoplasms according to Kiwisch'y, Schröder'y, Horvits, Fritsch'y, Küstner'y, Slavyansky, etc. belong to such exceptional rates that their speed can be considered anatomical and pathological curiosity, which is the object of clinical observation. " And malignant primary neoplasms of the vagina - sarcomas, cancers, tubercles also belong to the phenomena not more frequent, so that the authors in clinics count them in units, and others have never even had to observe some of these neoplasms. Gorvits says that he "did not observe a single case in which the sarcoma developed into the sleeve on its own."

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):468-477
pages 468-477 views

Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies. Protocol No. 12. Meeting on April 13, 1895

Ott D.


D.O. Ott chaired.
29 members were present: Antipov, I.A., Batsevich, Vasten, Vertsinskiy, Rustyskiy, Dobradin, Dolinskiy, Dranitsyn, Zheltukhin, Zabolotskiy, Zamshin, Kakushkin, Lileyev, Lichkus, Massnyanskiy, Polevyskiy, Polinskiy , Sadovskiy, Salmanov, Serezhnikov, Stelmakhovich, Stravinskiy, Fisher, Chernyshev, Shverdlov and 25 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):478-485
pages 478-485 views

Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies. Protocol No. XII. Administrative appointment on April 13, 1895

Ott D.


D.O. Ott chaired.
20 members were present.
1) Protocol No. XI has been read and approved.
2) Proposed active members: Pargamin, Manus Nukhimovich, doctor. (Proposed by Eichfus, Petrov and Lichkus).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):486
pages 486 views

I. Yu. Yakub. — The current state of the question of the treatment of miscarriage. (Library of the Doctor, 1895, No. 4)

Kakushkin N.


Only with regard to the treatment of the so-called threatening miscarriage do many modern obstetricians agree, regarding the treatment of an early miscarriage, some stand for active intervention with the help of a sharp spoon (Munde, Fehling, Dührssen), others - for a wait-and-see method and for manual (Winckel, Winter and the author). The author carefully carried out 53 miscarriages expectantly and by hand alone. Of this number, 4% were in a fever after the operation; there were no mortal outcomes. Of the 53 patients who did not give birth, there were 4, once gave birth to 11 and multiparous 38. In 40 patients, the remains of the egg had to be removed with a finger; of these last ones, only one was reeling afterwards.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):487
pages 487 views

A.E. Cheremshanskiy. — The first case of removal of subserous fibroids of the uterus through the womb at the Vladivostok Marine Hospital. (Medical Addendum to the Marine Collection, March and April, 1895)

Kakushkin N.


Patient 40 years old, had one childbirth and one miscarriage. Blood with 17 years of age, after 3-4 weeks for 4-5 days. Complaints: abdominal pain, dizziness, headaches, constipation, dysmenorrhea, general weakness, nervousness. The uterus is enlarged, mobile. To the right corner of the uterus a mobile tumor is attached on a wide basis, a little larger than an orange.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):488
pages 488 views

E.K. Kan. — Placenta praevia centralis, twins, embolia cerebri. (Protocol, meetings of the Vilensky Medical Society, 1894, No. 10)

Kakushkin N.


Second pregnant (for 5 months), 23 years old. Repeated blood loss during pregnancy. With the appearance of a strong anemia, the author, after vain attempts to hold his hand between the last and the wall of the uterus, drilled the last and removed the first baby, and after him, since the bleeding did not stop, and the second. The two are separated with difficulty.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):488
pages 488 views

I. Rubinstein. — On the issue of outpatient treatment for women’s diseases by massage. (Weekly, 1895, No. 12)

Kakushkin N.


The benefits of massage for women's diseases are currently recognized by almost all gynecologists, with very few exceptions. However, this type of treatment has not yet received widespread distribution, partly due to the absence of precisely worked out indications and contraindications to the use of massage, partly due to a falsely established view of the difficulty of massage techniques.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):488-489
pages 488-489 views

O. A. Reznikov. — To the question of the influence of heart diseases (heart disease) on menstruation. (Weekly, 1895, No. 4)

Kakushkin N.


The influence of heart disease on menstruation has hardly been studied so far. This influence is reflected either in increased blood loss during menstruation, or in weakening of such, or in such cases, menstruation in its character remains without changes. The reasons for the abundant months are: stagnation of blood, changes in blood, changes in blood vessels.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):489
pages 489 views

S. S. Zayitsky. - Three cases of Schroeder's extirpation of a cancerous-born uterus through the vagina using Richelot tweezers. (Medical Review., 1895, No. 9)

Kakushkin N.


Judging by the description given by Richelot, the course of his operation seems to be the same as that of Schröder, only ligatures are used instead of tweezers in the last day. The idea of using the tweezers belongs to Péan proper. Seeing the speed of the operation as a guarantee of its success, the author decided to try Richelot's way mainly, in view of the speed that should belong to this method. 1st patient. 24 years old. Cervical ulcer and infiltration in the left parameters. 2 tweezers were applied, which lasted for 2 days, causing severe pain. Operation 30 minutes.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):490
pages 490 views

A. N. Soloviev. - A case of endometritis complicated by aphonia and parotitis. Restoration of the voice after incision of an abscess of the parotid gland. (Medical Review., 1895, No. 9)

Kakushkin N.


Patient 31 years old, multiparous. She was ill after childbirth, she threw it out 2 times, and suffered from monthly disorders, pain and leucorrhoea. The patient is hysterical, and her aphony was of hysterical origin.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):490-491
pages 490-491 views

I. Yu. Lyubovich. - To casuistic and the pathogenesis of osteomalacia. (Medical notes, 1895, No. 6, 7 and 8)

Kakushkin N.


The article very thoroughly touches on the issue of osteomalacia. From the obstetric-gynecological point of view, she is interesting because she describes a case of this disease in a woman who is not pregnant.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):491
pages 491 views

Adolf Gessner. - Zwei Fälle von Spontaner Uterusruptur. (Centralbl. F. Gynäk., 1895, No. 2). Two cases of arbitrary uterine rupture

Kakushkin N.


1) In 35-year-olds, multiparous, with the correct pelvis, the transverse position of the fetus, the prolapse of the handle and umbilical cord were recognized. During anesthesia and disinfection of the genital parts, a left-sided rupture of the uterus and an upper cut of the vagina was detected, with the exit of the fetal head into the abdominal cavity. Turning and ejecting the child (2600 grm., 48 cm) in asphyxiation, soon revived. After removing it is easy. The gap is tamped. The phenomena of internal bleeding with all the manifestations of acute anemia were soon discovered. Charevosuchenie. There was a large hematoma in the left broad ligament; there is no continuing bleeding. The abdominal wound was sutured. The patient recovered.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):492
pages 492 views

Reusing. - Ein Fall traumatischer Uterusruptur in der Schwangerschaft. (Centralbl. F. Gynaek., 1895, No. 2). A case of traumatic uterine rupture during pregnancy

Kakushkin N.


A first-pregnant woman, 23 years old, at 8 months of pregnancy, being completely healthy, fell from a height of 4 meters to her feet. Then, with outside help, she could walk a few steps. Symptoms: pain in the abdomen and waste water. There are no other phenomena. Objective examination showed a rupture of the uterus with the emergence of the fetus into the abdominal cavity. Gluttony revealed that the rupture went along the front surface of the uterus, longitudinally, in the area of the bottom and body.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):492-493
pages 492-493 views

O. Schlaepfer. - Fall von künstlicher Frühgeburt nach früher überstandenem Kaiserschnitt. (Centralbl. F. Gynaek., 1895, No. 6). A case of artificial premature birth after a former early cesar section

Kakushkin N.


A 27-year-old woman, with a flat pelvis, during childbirth, had a Caesar section on a dead fetus (there were no tools for punching and extracting).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):493
pages 493 views

Beaucamp. - Recidiv von Osteomalakie nach Porro. (Centralbl. Für Gynaekol., 1895, No. 6). Returning osteomalacies after Porro surgery

Kakushkin N.


The first two pregnancies went well. During the third, which also ended correctly, the first signs of osteomalacia appeared. The fourth (after a year after the third), ended with the extraction of the fetus, and the fifth (after 2 years after the previous one), with the operation Porro. The effect of the operation (stopping the osteomalytic process) lasted 2 years, and then the progression of all symptoms began.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):493-494
pages 493-494 views

Lennander. — Myom des Uteruskörpers mit Trennung des Cervix vom Körper. (Centralbl. F. Gynaek., 1895, No. 6)

Kakushkin N.


Virgo intacta, 49 years old, in the climacteric period. For the first time, she covered up a tumor in herself, when she was 35 years old. The tumor occupies mainly the left half of the abdomen, reaching along the nipple line to the ribs, along the middle line up to 8 cm. above the navel. The probe is inserted into the canal of the uterus only 4 cm. Excessively with the removal of the tumor, uterus and appendages (the patient died of peritonitis, as a result of a peritiflytic abscess).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):494
pages 494 views

I. Neumann. - Ueber das Verhalten der Patellarreflexe beim Schwangeren Weibe. (Centralbl. F. Gynaek, 1895, No. 8). About the patellar reflex in pregnant women

Kakushkin N.


In the last months of pregnancy, the author found patellar reflexes increased in many pregnant women, the more, the closer the pregnancy was to the onset of labor. However, in some cases, at the very onset of labor, reflexes were within the limits of the norm.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):494-495
pages 494-495 views

Nijhoff. — Ein neues Verfahren zur Behandlung der Placenta praevia centralis. (Centralbl. F. Gynaek., 1895, No. 8). A new way of giving birth with a central presentation of the placenta

Kakushkin N.


At the end of pregnancy, with bleeding, when the patient had not yet missed a finger, the author made a tamponation of the cervix and vagina. The pharynx opened by 2 fingers, the bleeding continued. Then the author made a gap (linear) in the presenting part of the last, without violating the integrity of the water shell. The last one, straining to raise the influence of contractions, acted on further expansion of the pharynx.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):495
pages 495 views

A. Palkhovskiy. - Ein Fall von Placenta praevia bei Zwillingen. (Centralbl. F. Gynaek., 1895, No. 8). The case of presentation of the placenta with twins

Kakushkin N.


Patient, 30 years old, pregnant in the 8th section. Urgent delivery. Marginal presentation of the last (bleeding) and twins were recognized. When the throat is 5 fingers, a turn is made and the extraction of the first fetus (cephalic presentation), and then the second (transverse position).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):495-496
pages 495-496 views

Krönig. - Ueber die Natur der Scheidenkeime, speciell über das Vorkommen anaerober Streptokokken im Scheidensekret Schwangerer. (Centralbl. F. Gynäk., 1895, No. 16). On the nature of vaginal microbes, mainly in anaerobic renal cocci in the vaginal discharge in pregnant women

Kakushkin N.


The author informs the further results of his observations (Centralbl. F. Gynaek., 1894, No. 1). Not finding at that time in the separated vagina of pregnant women microbes that would grow aerobically, he, having put the secret of the vagina (in pregnant women) in the conditions of anaerobic life on nutrient media, received cocci, located in groups of 12-20, microscopically indistinguishable from encountered in childbirth fever, renal cocci.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):496
pages 496 views

I. Hochenegg .—- Ueber die Verwendbarkeit der Sacralen Methode bei fixirten Retroflexion. (Centralbl. F. Gynäk., 1895, No. 16). About the application of the sacral method in case of persistent bend of the uterus back

Kakushkin N.


For a 35-year-old woman who did not give birth and suffered from profuse and painful monthly and abdominal pain, for more than six months, an energetic treatment was applied by massage of the uterus bent back. This treatment remained unsuccessful.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):496-497
pages 496-497 views

G. Thomson. - Hochgradige Hypertrophie der Portio vaginalis Uteri. (Centralbl. F. Gynäk., 1895, No. 16). Severe hypertrophy of the vaginal part of the cervix

Kakushkin N.


A woman who had not given birth, 25 years old, complained only about the prolapse of a body from the vagina. Menstruation is normal, there is no pain, in the anamnesis there is no indication of inflammation.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):497
pages 497 views

G. Leopold. Zur Diagnose des Placentarsitzes. (Centralbl. F. Gyn., 1895, No. 12). To the recognition of the place of attachment of the placenta

Kakushkin N.


Concerning Bayer's article, (Centralbl. F. Gynäk., 1895, No. 7), the author says that he was already in 1884, and not in 1886, as Bayer claims, for the first time noticed the connection between the position of the pipes of a pregnant woman uterus and placenta attachment.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):497
pages 497 views

Th. Landau. — Zum Thema der vaginalen Radikaloperation (Hystero-salpingo-oophorectomia vaginalis). (Centralbl. F. Gyn., 1895, No. 12). To the question of the removal of the uterus and appendages through the vagina

Kakushkin N.


In the Leop. Landau clinic, with pelvic suppurations, the following surgeries were performed in the last 10 months. A cut of single, limited abscesses from the side of the vagina 17 connectors, from the side of the belly 2 times; recovery. Changes in the removal of the tubes about purulent accumulations in them 3 times; recovery. Gluttony with inflammatory diseases of the appendages not of a purulent character, resp. with tubal pregnancy, 28 connectors; recovery with one death outcome.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):498
pages 498 views

P. Kister. - Ueber die Beweglichkeit der Beckengelenke und die Bedeutung Walcher's Lagerung in der Geburtshilfe (Centralbl. F. Gynäk., 1895, no. 10). On the mobility of the pelvic joints and on the application of Walcher's position in obstetrics

Kakushkin N.


The author reminds that Walcher's idea of the mobility of the pelvic joints in pregnant women is not new: in 1881 Korsh pointed it out in his dissertation. According to the author, a large deviation of the hips back in Walcher's position is possible only partly due to the mobility in the hip joint, mainly due to the forward movement of the iliac bones, due to the mobility in the sacroiliac joints.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):498-499
pages 498-499 views

E. Kummer - Ueber Endresultate der Alexander'schen Operation. (Centralbl. F. Gynäk., 1895, No. 14). On the final outcomes of the Alexander's operation

Kakushkin N.


The author made this operation 14 times, 4 - with prolapse of the uterus and 10 - with the bend of the uterus back. With prolapse of the uterus, colporaphia was simultaneously applied. In one case, there was a return, in three cases there was no return during one year, one and a half years and three years.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):499
pages 499 views

H. Löhlein.-Zur Technik der Ausschabung. (Centralbl. F. Gynäkol., 1895, No. 14). To the scraping technique

Kakushkin N.


Werth, speaking about the restoration of the uterine mucosa after scraping, notes the unevenness of the operation on the mucous membrane in different parts of the uterine cavity.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1895;9(5):499-500
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