P. Kister. - Ueber die Beweglichkeit der Beckengelenke und die Bedeutung Walcher's Lagerung in der Geburtshilfe (Centralbl. F. Gynäk., 1895, no. 10). On the mobility of the pelvic joints and on the application of Walcher's position in obstetrics

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The author reminds that Walcher's idea of the mobility of the pelvic joints in pregnant women is not new: in 1881 Korsh pointed it out in his dissertation. According to the author, a large deviation of the hips back in Walcher's position is possible only partly due to the mobility in the hip joint, mainly due to the forward movement of the iliac bones, due to the mobility in the sacroiliac joints.

About the authors

N. Kakushkin

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com
Russian Federation


Copyright (c) 1895 Kakushkin N.

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