卷 5, 编号 7-8 (1891)


Rotten decay of the submucosal fibroid, as an indication for the complete removal of the uterus

Ott D.


Mm. Gg. Of the issues that occupy modern gynecologists, in the first place, undoubtedly, it should be noted the question of the treatment of fibrous tumors of the uterus. The method of treating fibroids by galvanic current from the light hand of the French doctor Apostoli, who has done a lot in this area, was greeted by the gynecological world with special enthusiasm, and, as usual with the appearance of any new and especially efficient method, immediately acquired many adherents. However, as always, in such cases, the matter was not without extremes, and some even prominent gynecologists openly recognized the universal significance of the Apostoli method in the treatment of uterine fibroids.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):533-548
pages 533-548 views


Krassovskiy A.


The teaching was carried out according to the previous system and the previous guidelines, namely: at the Midwife Institute: Textbook of Obstetrics for Midwives by Dr. Bidder and Complete Guide to the Study of the Midwifery Art of Dr. A. Zhizhilenko. - The teachers consisted of: at the Midwifery Institute: Professor Dr. Bidder, Associate Professor Dr. Chernevsky and Resident Dr. Stoll; at the School for rural midwives: resident I.F. Smolenskiy and teacher of reading and writing Ms. Gribanova. In addition, for each teacher, to repeat lessons with students and guide them in practical work, there was one tutor from the institution's doctors, namely: under Professor Bidder - Dr. Danilovich, under Associate Professor Chernevsky - Dr. Porshnyakov, under Dr. -re Shtole - Dr. Chagin.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):549-573
pages 549-573 views


Poyurovsky G.


The danger of postpartum hemorrhages, in most cases depending on the atony of the uterus, and sometimes extreme difficulty in stopping these bleeding has drawn the attention of doctors for a long time; since ancient times, various methods of stopping these bleeding have been proposed and continue to be offered now.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):574-600
pages 574-600 views


Lvov I.


Dear Sirs! Let me take your attention for a while with the analysis of one pathological form that develops during pregnancy and is called "Mola vesiculosa" s. myxoma chorii multiplex ". I decided to speak before the Society with a demonstration of molae vesiculosae preparations and a brief report on this pathological form on the following grounds: a) this form of the fluffy membrane disease is relatively rare - I observed it only four times during 11 years of practice and approximately on 6000 births that have passed through my hands during this time; b) the course of pregnancy with her is greatly disturbed, often accompanied by special phenomena; c) the clinical picture of this disease is also not quite definitely studied, and d) finally, the therapy of this form of the disease also cannot be considered completely complete.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):601-617
pages 601-617 views


Sadovsky P.


As you know, anomalies in the development of the anal orifice are divided: into complete atresia - when it is completely absent, and into incomplete, when the aperture, being placed in a normal place, is too narrow to pass fecal masses (stenosis), or the intestine opens on some in another place, either in the back wall of the vagina along its length behind the hymen (abouchement retro-hymenal), or in front of it; ex. въ fossa navicularis (abouch. anté-hymenal). In embryonic life), the rectum and urogenital parts open in the urogenital sinus or cloaca, formed from the connection of the gradually deepening genital sulcus with allantois, the opening of the Müllerian canal and rectum, and the intestine is separated from the Müllerian canal by a plate and the fetus crotch tissue.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):617-625
pages 617-625 views

A case of a chylosis mesenteric cyst (chylocystis myxomatosa mesenterii)

Gurevich I.


I have revised all the histories of diseases in our clinic from 1862 to 1890, not only for a milky cyst, but not a single case, in general, for a tumor of the mesentery.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):626-638
pages 626-638 views

A case of congenital malformation of the fetus

Lvov I.


M.g! In 1888, while demonstrating a case of anecephaliae in the local Society of Physicians), I expressed the proposition that all cases of congenital deformities, especially those that change the appearance of the born fetus, should be published, due mainly to their social significance. At the same time, I pointed out the phenomenon that the birth of freaks by a woman living somewhere in the wilderness, in a village, often arouses rumors in the poorly educated population that it was not a person who was born, but some kind of beast or fiend of the devil, and that such freaks cannot be born of a human husband. As a result of the said, unfortunate women who gave birth to a freak can be accused of witchcraft, sorcery, or ascribed to them intercourse with devils - all this unintentionally, the population can completely ruin the life of such a woman. Yes, not only in the wilderness, but even in big cities, in the center of education, such slander can happen and can do a lot of harm.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):638-643
pages 638-643 views

About the size of the female Bashkir pelvis

Kakushnin N.


Anthropological measurements of the female pelvis are very rare and concern a few pelvis and, moreover, not living, but dead women. The sizes of the cans of different races differ from each other. There is especially little data on the size of the female pelvis among our foreigners. So, only the measurements of the pelvis of Kyrgyz women are known, made by Dr. Kolbasenok.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):644
pages 644 views

Vomiting of pregnant women, salivation, hysteria

Ruzi D.


Author, while partially agreeing with Kaltenbach's view that vomiting of pregnant women is often a consequence of hysteria, he cites cases where this connection apparently does not exist. So out of 5 cases of severe diseases of pregnant women observed by him, in two vomiting and salivation were complications of local diseases of the stomach, part of the peritoneum, two cases belonged to hysterical individuals, and, finally, one case cannot be attributed to one or the other category.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):644-645
pages 644-645 views

A case of indomitable vomiting outside of pregnancy

Rutkowski A.


Mrs. M. began to menstruate at the age of 13, the regulations are incorrect, - after 11/2-2 weeks for 7 days, profuse, clots, with severe pain in the lower abdomen during the 1st day. She got married at the age of 21: the regulations appeared after 28 days, lasted only 4-5 days, but were still abundant and accompanied by the same severe pain.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):645
pages 645 views

A rare cause of death of a woman in labor (bleeding from ruptured peritonitic adhesions)

Walter K.


On June 29, 1890, N. was called to a pregnant 36-year-old nurse who gave birth 2 times: 7 years ago an immature dead fetus and 11/2 years of a so-called premature baby. The last bloods were in November 1889. Pregnancy was proceeding normally, but on June 28, after the jump, she felt a strong stitching in her right side and after that the onset of unusually painful attempts.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):645-647
pages 645-647 views

Scraping of the uterus during childbirth fever

Sadovsky P.


The bacteriological view of the ethiology of postpartum fevers leads to two means to fight them: firstly, to prevent microorganisms from entering the birth canal - prevention and 2) to destroy those that have already gotten - an antiseptic.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):647-648
pages 647-648 views

On the issue of postpartum psychoses and, in particular, psychosis after eclampsia

Walter K.


It cannot be denied that the moments that weaken the body during both the act of childbirth itself and the postpartum period can, due to purely mental conditions, especially with the existence of a hereditary predisposition, entail mental illness in the postpartum period.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):648-650
pages 648-650 views

The case of Graviditatis tubo-uterinae with a favorable outcome of labor per vias naturales

Ruzi D.


The author describes a very interesting case of tubo-uterine pregnancy, which ended in per vias naturales delivery. His story is as follows. Free 27 years old. Regules appeared on the 16th year. The first pregnancy 10 years ago ended in a miscarriage at 4 months. Urgent delivery 4. After the last urgent delivery suffered from cervical endometritis. From the last pregnancy was resolved on 24 July 1890 at the 7th month of a dead child, after which she was ill for a long time. The last regulations were on October 11, 1890. At the end of November, the body of the uterus appeared to be enlarged, doughy consistency, the right fallopian tube at the uterine end was significantly enlarged and painful. Pregnancy was diagnosed.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):650-651
pages 650-651 views

A case of vaginal suffering of mycotic properties

Kakushkin N.


Mycosis of the vaginal mucosa is a very rare suffering.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):651
pages 651 views

A case of primary syphilitic vaginal ulcer

Rutkowski A.


Oddly enough, but syphilitic chancre is extremely rare in the vagina, so rare that some authors call it an exceptional find. In the given case, there were the following phenomena: on the outer surface of the labia majora, - several papules of small size in the initial period of development.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):651-652
pages 651-652 views

A case of primary vaginal cancer

Kakushkin N.


A 47-year-old bourgeois woman, married, giving birth, menstruating correctly (she does not wear blood for 4 years), has been sick with pain and bleeding for six months.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):652
pages 652 views

A case of hypertrophy of the anterior lip of the uterus

Kakushkin N.


A 25-year-old peasant woman, menstruating correctly, 3 years ago noticed a tumor in her, which presented some obstacle during childbirth.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):652
pages 652 views

To the question of the abdominal attachment of the uterus during the treatment of her prolapse

Walter K.


Vaginal-perineal surgery for prolapse of the uterus and vagina, although in most cases give good success immediately after their production, but to make the latter resistant, it is necessary on the part of patients over a long time to observe a number of precautions. Meanwhile, the greatest number of prolapses is found among women belonging to the insufficient, hard-working class, who, therefore, are deprived of the opportunity to take care of themselves sufficiently.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):652-653
pages 652-653 views

A case of supravaginal amputation of the uterus. Intraperitoneal method. Recovery

Ruzi D.


On February 19, 1890, patient EI, 50 years old, was admitted to the hospital, extremely exhausted; subcutaneous fat layer is poorly developed, visible mucous membranes are pale. Regula appeared at the age of 15, the first birth at the age of 21. Dysmenoric phenomena, which appeared 10 years ago, have significantly increased since last summer. Pain is localized mainly in the left groin area. Hemorrhages have become more profuse, showing almost daily lately. An objective examination revealed a tumor in the lower abdomen, completely smooth, uniformly dense consistency, the size of a child's head. The body of the uterus is directly connected to it. The outer opening of the portionis vaginalis passes the tip of the finger. The vaults are free.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):654
pages 654 views

On the operative treatment of myom of the uterus

Hermonius A.


The operation itself depends on the place and method of development. Myomas on a long stem, interstitial myomas, which can be harvested without opening the uterine cavity, give a good prognosis.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):655-656
pages 655-656 views

To the treatment of pyosalpinx'a

Hermonius A.


Not quite satisfied with the previous and existing methods of treating purulent accumulations in the tubes (Frankenhäuser Doléris, Simpson), the author, in the case presented to him, resorted to a more, in his opinion, expedient measure - and with success.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):656-657
pages 656-657 views

Activity of gynecological clinics in the Helsinki University of 1890

Hermonius A.


The named clinic has only 20 beds, which, of course, are not enough; patients have to refuse an appointment or treat them, if possible, out-patiently; moreover, the author found himself compelled to write out many of them until he was fully recovered. In 1890 it was accepted — once 162 patients, twice - 17 and 3 times - 1; remained from the previous year - 13; not discharged by 1891 - 14.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):657-658
pages 657-658 views

Gluttony performed in 1890 for diseases of the uterus and its appendages

Hermonius A.


During the reporting year, the author performed 22 celiac cuts in his hospital, observing strict antiseptics. Keeping Schröder's view on the need for immediate removal of the affected ovarian neoplasm, the author performed 10 ovariotomies, all with the outcome in recovery.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):659
pages 659 views

Fifty gluttonies

Hermonius A.


From July 1888 to April 1891, the author performed 50 celiac cuts, mainly for diseases of the female reproductive apparatus. Of these, 29 were made due to tumors of the ovaries and uterus, 13 - due to inflammatory changes in the ovaries and tubes, 2 - with an ectopic pregnancy, 1 - with an abdominal cyst (without communication with the genitals), 1 - with renal sarcoma, 1 - with sarcoma small intestine and 3 - with neoplasms of the peritoneum.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):659-660
pages 659-660 views

High position of the pelvis with complete removal of the uterus

Ruzi D.


Citing a case of complete supravaginal extirpation of the uterus with the use of a high Trendelenburg position, the author points out the advantages of this method of operation.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):660-661
pages 660-661 views

Poisoning with mercuric chloride

Walter K.


The predominant obstetrician and gynecological obstetricians 'and gynecologists' obsession with sublimate suffered a significant chill after the accidents published by Lomer, Stadtfeld, Nötz, Winter, Patridge.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):661-662
pages 661-662 views


Kupidonov V.


Paris. In Paris, I visited the clinics of surgeons: Pozzi, Terrillon, Lucas-Championiér Réan, Segond, Pinard's obstetric clinic, electrotherapy clinics Apostoli, Baraduc, Brivois, Wigouroux, clinics of nervous diseases prof. Charcot; the latter, however, for a very short time.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1891;5(7-8):663-685
pages 663-685 views
