卷 6, 编号 5 (1892)


Papillary-glandular tumors of the uterine cavity and their modern treatment

Kireeva D.


In this presentation, I will try to trace the pathologic-anatomical picture, course and treatment of this disease on the basis of literature data and personal observation, and on this basis I will try to distinguish varieties of glandular-papillary tumors of the uterine cavity.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(5):441-457
pages 441-457 views


Mironova M.


The comparative small number of cases of hymen obstruction described in Russian literature makes it desirable to publish any such observation at all. This gave me an excuse to describe the case of atresiae hymenis that I had observed, especially since it is still interesting in its special features.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(5):474-477
pages 474-477 views

Meetings of obstetric and gynecological societies.

Slavyansky K.


Meeting and discussion of the collection of drugs for the treatment of gynecological diseases and problems.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(5):478-490
pages 478-490 views

Meeting of the obstetric and gynecological society. Protocol #3.

Slavyansky K.


The result of the examination and preparation of a Protocol on the treatment of gynecological problems.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(5):490-492
pages 490-492 views

Message By I. A. Woff

Woff I.


On the report of the Commission "on the care of foundlings", read at the last meeting), several more comments were made by Dr. Gurin, Maryanchik and Boryakovsky; after explanations given by the Chairman of the Commission, Professor Chernov, the report was accepted and approved by the society.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(5):493-495
pages 493-495 views

Translated By V. N. Massen

Massen B.


Bröse. With regard to statistics, Mackenrodt Schäffer has already made fair and well-founded objections, and therefore I consider it unnecessary to expand on them. At the moment, I cannot give statistics that speak in favor of a good outcome in the treatment of Apostoli, since I have not yet prepared a set of all these data. I will subject this statistic to the most accurate review. Personally, I have not yet had a single fatal case in the treatment of Apostoli.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(5):496-501
pages 496-501 views

Translated By A. K. Harmonious

Harmonious A.


After the demonstration of Several Frank and Kötschau drugs, Pelzer's message followed: On the prevention of artificial preterm birth by intrauterine injection of glycerol.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(5):502-505
pages 502-505 views

To the question of excessive vomiting of pregnant women and a remedy for it.

Fedorov P.


The author, presenting a brief outline of the development of the doctrine of excessive vomiting, describes its clinical picture, adhering to the division of the disease, according to P. Du bois, into three periods, and stops at the question of the essence of this disease.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(5):506-507
pages 506-507 views

Dalsze ciąźy zamacicznej Dwa przypadki (lekarska Gazette, 1892, №№ 1, 2)

Matlakowski M.


Two more cases of ectopic pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(5):507-508
pages 507-508 views

To the etiology and treatment of weakness of pain in old primiparous.

Börner H.


The author cites the literature of the question of old first-borns; he dwells on certain points, such as the age at which first-borns should be considered old.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(5):508-510
pages 508-510 views

About the inflexibility of the uterine cervix during childbirth.

Maygrier J.


The author had to observe a pregnant woman, undoubtedly suffering from syphilis, shortly before her birth.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(5):510-512
pages 510-512 views

Concave chisel craniotomy

Keppler F.


Putting the well-known disadvantages tepanovich piercing and punches, the author strongly recommends that...

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(5):513
pages 513 views

Опытъ антропологическаго изслѣдованія черепа новорожденныхъ.

Рунге Г.


Въ обширной современной литературѣ вопроса о черепѣ автору не попалось ни одной работы, которая прилагала бы антропометрическій методъ изслѣдованія спеціально къ черепу новорожденныхъ. Между тѣмъ авторъ находитъ чрезвычайно важнымъ, въ особенности для акушера, изслѣдовать и этотъ черепъ, сохранившій еще слѣды конфигураціи, какъ вслѣдствіе незаконченнаго его развитія, такъ и ради изученія закоповъ конфигураціи.
Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(5):514-516
pages 514-516 views

A few observations on Dr. Auvard's baby bed warmer

Arnoldov V.


Currently, the number of stillbirths and premature babies is increasing. On average, it is 36 per 1000 births. In France, from 1840 to 1880, it increased from 32.57 per 1,000 births to 45.35 per 1,000. The desire for rational measures to save the lives of premature babies is very natural and gives tangible results. So, in the Maternité in Paris, since the introduction of the auvard hot water bottle, the mortality rate of premature babies has been reduced from 66% to 38%. The auvard hot-water bed is actually a Tarnier hot-water bottle, modified by Dr. Auvard.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(5):516-517
pages 516-517 views

Hydrastinine with uterine bleeding.

Czempin. А.


Analyzing the pharmaceutical treatment of uterine bleeding, the author quite rightly stops at ergot preparations and hydrastis canadensis, as the most effective means. Ergot acts mainly on the very muscle of the uterus and, therefore, is shown in atonic bleeding, depending for example. from insufficient postpartum involution of the uterus, while hydrastis is most useful for so-called secondary bleeding that occurs under the influence of diseases of the uterine appendages, with chronic endometritis, in the menopausal period, in girls, etc. The disadvantage of this remedy, in the form of a liquid extract, is that it does not work well when used when bleeding has already occurred, and that to get the proper effect, it must be taken long (two weeks) before the expected Meno-or metrorrhagia.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(5):517-518
pages 517-518 views

Materials for pharmacology hydrastinine.

Archangelshy. P.


The author made experiments both on frogs and warm-blooded animals; the first examined the General effect of hydrastinine, and then its effect on the nervous system, blood and lymph circulation; to warm-blooded-well, after reading General effect, we studied the influence on the circulatory system and the uterus.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(5):518-520
pages 518-520 views

Application of dermatol in gynecology

Asch R.


Dermatol was first recommended as a substitute for iodoform. Such an opinion, of course, can not serve him much service for the prevalence. And indeed, dermatol is quite a peculiar tool that has its own indications, and if it must already be associated with the concept of iodoform, then its value is not a substitute for iodoform, but a parallel one.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(5):520-521
pages 520-521 views

To pathology of the mucosa of the uterine body.

Uter K.


The author received material for research during curettage or extirpation of the uterus in a wide variety of painful processes. All cases, if possible, are followed clinically. In this article, the author focuses on 2 points: the ratio of adenoma to carcinoma, and the ratio of endometritis and neoplasms of the mucosal glands to simultaneous changes in the muscular layer of the uterus. 

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(5):521-522
pages 521-522 views

Surgical treatment of forward displacement of the uterus.

Charles A.


Based on statistics from Nonat, meadovs, Scanzoni, Mundé, and others, we must assume, says the author, that of all uterine displacements, forward displacements are the most frequent, and yet it is precisely in the treatment of these displacements that gynecology is powerless.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(5):523-524
pages 523-524 views

Massage with fixed bends of the uterus back

Stocker. S.


In the fight against various methods of treatment—Ichthyol, electricity, operations—massage suffers more and more defeats. Even in the treatment of the folds of the uterus he is not a very large field of action, and then only did in private practice and at fixed types; although there are all sorts of complication, to resort to surgery: if you need to remove the appendages, the uterus attached to abdominal wall by Küstner'y) or Frommel'Yu, exist-whether parametrului scars running from the neck breaks, they are cut from Martin).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(5):524-525
pages 524-525 views

To the question of cyst-like uterine fibroids.

Matlakowski R.


After making a brief review of the literature data, the author proceeds to his own observations on cystic fibromyomas of the uterus. In six cases out of 27 uterine neoplasms operated on by the author, cystic fibromyomas were found. Of these six cases, one is described in detail as being of significant interest.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(5):525-528
pages 525-528 views

Hysteria-epilepsy and castration.

Rochet H.


Based on his observations, the author expresses a negative opinion about the significance of castration in hysteria-epilepsy. Produced his castration was undertaken not for the sake of nervous suffering, as a result of complaints of patients on pain in the abdomen, caused by pathological processes of the uterine appendages in both Estero-epileptic seizures.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(5):528
pages 528 views

About intraperitoneal hemorrhages

Veit. J.


The author divides hemorrhages in the abdominal cavity into free — haemorrhagia intraperitonealis, osumkovannoe —haematocele and extraperitoneal—in the pelvic tissue.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(5):528-529
pages 528-529 views

Correspondence About the article of the Privat-docent V. F. Maslovkago: "To the doctrine of self-infection of maternity hospitals".

Замшин А.


Privat-docent V. F. Maslovsky in his work "On the doctrine of self-infection of maternity hospitals", which appeared in the April book "Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases" for the current year, reproaches me for limiting myself to studying only the biological properties of microbes found, and says (p.332): "it is currently impossible to determine the property of microbes according to the state of culture, due to insufficient information about their biological properties."In this regard, I should note that it is the biological properties of known microbes that are currently being studied; in particular, this can be said about the desired microbe in my work—staph. R. aureus.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(5):530-531
pages 530-531 views
