The functional activity of red blood cells obtained from the healthy infants born through the planned caesarean section operation





The erythrogram profiles of the newborn infants delivered both naturally and through the planned caesarean section operation have been studied. Only 40 % of red blood cells have a good functional activity in the premature infants, while in the mature ones, this parameter increases up to 60–70 %. Lower parameters are normally observed with the infants born through the caesarean section operation. The data obtained allows ranking these newborn as a group with high risk of microcirculatory disorders and respiratory distress syndrome, which more endanger the premature infants


Natalya Yakushenko

FSBI “D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology” NWB RAMS

aspirant, department of Physiology and Pathology of newborns

Inna Yevsyukova

FSBI “D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology” NWB RAMS

D. Sci., professor head of the Department of Physiology and Pathology of newborns


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版权所有 © Yakushenko N.S., Yevsyukova I.I., 2012

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