High perinatal risk in two ethnic groups during pregnancy: associations with the state of the system «Lipid Peroxidation-Antioxidant Defense»

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The high perinatal risk in Buryat and Russian ethnic groups during pregnancy has been studied. In the pregnant Russian women compared to thosw of the Buryat ethnic group, the following risk factors prevailed: more than 3 abortions in history, cystic changes in the ovaries, essential arterial hypertension in relatives, premature birth. It has been found that activation of lipid peroxidation in the pregnant Buryat women is associated with the increased total antioxidant, α-tocopherol and SOD activities in blood.. In the pregnant Russian women components of antioxidant defense system. The decrease slightly, while lipid peroxdation products increase comparison of the lipid peroxidation components of in the two ethnic groups showed an increase in the lipid peroxidation products and retinol in the pregnant Russian women during all trimesters of pregnancy. It may be concluded that the risk factors create unfavorable conditions for changes in the lipid peroxidation-antioxidant defense system, which determines the development of many complications of pregnancy and child birth.

About the authors

Lubov Iljinichna Kolesnikova

Centre of the Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems, Siberian branch of Academy of Medical Sciences

Email: iphr@sbamsr.irk.ru
MD, PhD, Professor, Fellow member of Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, director of the Scientific Centre

Marina Aleksandrovna Darenskaya

Centre of the Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems, Siberian branch of Academy of Medical Sciences

Email: mops_my@front.ru
Senior research worker, laboratory of reproduction рhаtоphysiology

Lyudmila Anatolejvna Grebenkina

Centre of the Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems, Siberian branch of Academy of Medical Sciences

Email: iphr@sbamsr.irk.ru
Senior research worker, laboratory of reproduction рhаtоphysiology

Natalia Vladimirovna Protopopova

Centre of the Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems, Siberian branch of Academy of Medical Sciences

Email: iphr@sbamsr.irk.ru
MD, PhD, Professor, head of laboratory support and reproductive technologies and perinatal medicine

Maria Igorevna Dolgikh

Centre of the Family Health and Human Reproduction Problems, Siberian branch of Academy of Medical Sciences

Email: iphr@sbamsr.irk.ru
Senior research worker, laboratory of reproduction рhаtоphysiology


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Copyright (c) 2013 Kolesnikova L.I., Darenskaya M.A., Grebenkina L.A., Protopopova N.V., Dolgikh M.I.

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