Vol 54, No 4 (2005)

Original Research

Cesarean section: common problems and regional peculiarities

Ailamazyan Е.К.


In the article the frequency of Cesarean section in the North-Western region of Russia is analysed. Reasons for widening of surgery indications, operative technics, prophylaxis of infectional processes in postoperative period, main problems of conducting of pregnacy in women with prior cesarean delivery are discussed.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(4):3-10
pages 3-10 views

Simultaneous operations in gynecology: assessment of effectiveness

Ischenko A.I., Alexandrov L.S., Shulutko А.М., Vedernikova N.V., Golobova М.N., Shishkov А.М., Ranev I.В.


272 patients have been included in the lead clinical research. The basic group was made of 218 women after simultaneous operations with application as miniinvasive, and traditional methods; control group — 54 patients after isolated operative pelvic surgeries. The estimation of the received clinical results shows, that at individual selection of patients in view of possible contra-indications, compensation opportunities of the organism, adequate preoperative preparation, the all-round complex preoperative inspection, correctly chosen method of operative intervention, the increase in volume of operation does not render appreciable influence on a degree traumatic operation, does not promote substantial growth of number of postoperative complications and lethal outcomes.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(4):11-16
pages 11-16 views

Evaluation of a real-time nucleic acid sequencebased amplification (nasba) assay for diagnosis of urogenital chlamydial infection

Shipitsyna Е.V., Savicheva А.М., Vorobyova N.E., Sokolovsky Е.V., Guschin А.Е., Ryzhikh Р.G., Shipulin G.A., Krotin P.N., Merculova L.V., Landina О.Y.


This study was aimed to evaluate a new realtime nucleic acid sequence-based amplification (NASBA-Real- Time) assay for diagnosis of urogenital Chlamydia trachomatis infection. A total of 193 patients aged 16 to 42 (mean age, 22,8 years) were examined, with most of them having symptoms of urogenital infection. Cervical and urethral swabs from women and men, respectively, were investigated with the use of cell culture method, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and NASBA- Real-Time. C. trachomatis infection was diagnosed in 29 patients (15 %): in 21 patients - by all the three methods, whereas 8 samples were culture negative. Sensitivity of PCR and NASBA- Real-Time methods were 100 %, cell culture method - 78,4 %. Negative predictive value of PCR and NASBA-Real-Time was found to be 100 %, and that of cell culture - 95,3 %. Specificity as well as positive predictive values of all the three methods equaled 100%. Thus, the new real-time NASBA-Real-Time assay was shown to be a very sensitive and specific test, which can be recommended as a confirmatory method for diagnosis of urogenital chlamydial infection.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(4):17-21
pages 17-21 views

Methods of biopsy specimen reception for adenomyosis histologic verification, analysis of efficiency

Fridman D.В., Bejenar V.F., Povzun S.А., Levitina Е.I.


The comparative experimental analysis of histologic methods of adenomyosis diagnosis is resulted. Advantage of punction miometrial biopsy by transcervical access above transabdominal one, and also insufficient efficiency of resection and pinch miometrial biopsy are established.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(4):22-25
pages 22-25 views

The complex analysis of efficiency and compliance of modern ferrum medication for treatment of anemia in pregnant women

Taypurova A.М.


There were analysed the results of treatment efficiency and compliance of Ferrum medication in pregnant women with anemia using non-ionic compounds Fe (III) — Ferlatum (1st group) and ionic compounds Fe (II)— Sorbiferdurules (2nd group). Compounds of Fe (III) were more compliant in treatment of anemia making Ferlatum the medication of choise in treatment of anemia during pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(4):26-30
pages 26-30 views

Hormone replacement therapy in women with postovariectomy syndrome and endometrial ablation

Yarmolinskaya М.I., Tarasova М.A.


The aim of the study was to estimate the efficacy and tolerance of hormone replacement therapy using Femoston 1/5 in women with postovariectomy syndrome who had undergone endometrial ablation. We examined 37 patients aged 47-52 years suffering from moderate and severe postovariectomy syndrome. All of them underwent endometrial ablation and bilateral adnexectomy due to recurrent endometrial hyperplasia and lack of effect from conservative therapy. During 1,5-2,5 years after operative treatment they received combined oestrogen-gestagen replacement therapy using Femoston 1/5. This preparation was shown to be highly effective for reduction of clinical presentations of postovariectomy syndrome. No influence on endometrial state was found.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(4):31-34
pages 31-34 views

Comparative estimation of life quality in women of early postmenopausal period depending on level of mdbt after menopausae developed in the natural way and as a result of ovarioectomia

Zazerskaja I.Е., Jakovlev V.G., Alexandrova L.А., Djachuk А.V., Niauri D.А.


Last years the attention of researchers is involved in studying of role of calcic homeostasis infringements in development of not only bone rarefication, but also osteoartrosis, arteriosclerosis, arterial hypertension, demention. Mentioned diseases, alongside with a bone rarefication, are the most frequently occured in persons of advanced age. The given pathology is offered for defining(determining) as «estrogen- deficiency diseases», «calcium-scarce»diseases. The definition of pathogenetic interrelation between metabolic infringements in postmenopause and the various somatic pathology arising during the given period of time still remains one of the actual problems. The purpose of the present research was studying frequency of occurrence, a degree of expressiveness of climacteric symptoms and extragenital diseases depending on level of MDBT at women with identical duration of estrogen deficiency conditions after the introduction in natural and surgical menopause. 120 women in the age of44-54 years old (mean age 52,5±0,4 y.o.) were examined and included in the 1st group of study, the Ilnd group consisted of 80 women after ovarioectomy in the age of 38-52 y.o. (mean age 46,2±2,3 y.o.). There were revealed that life quality of women who had entered in postmenopause after ovarioectomy was worse in comparison with life quality of women in natural postmenopause. The certain interrelation between degree of some climacteric symptoms expressiveness, intensity of painful syndrome in osteo-muscular system, prevalence of extragenitaldiseases and level of MDBT was revealed.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(4):35-48
pages 35-48 views

The connection between the some agents of sextransmitting diseasesand bacterial vaginosis

Rishchuk S.V., Bojtsov А.G., Kostjuchek D.F., Gavrilova М.V.


Women were placed in one of four groups according to their vaginal pathological state. 77 patients with «classical» bacterial vaginosis (BV) were included in the first group. The second group included 63 women with BV and leukocytes in the vaginal smear. The third group consisted of 157 patients without clinical and laboratory criteria of BV, but with bacterial vaginitis. The fourth group (control group) totalized 193 people without any of the above pathological processes in the vagina or other diseases of the pelvis.

Chlamydia, Mycoplasma, Ureaplasma and Trichomonas were found significantly more often in women with BV that in those without (4,3; 15,2; 2,6; 5,9 times accordingly). Chlamydia and Ureaplasma in diagnostic levels were identified more often in the patients with BV and leukocytes than in those with the «classical» variant (1,8 and 1,4 times accordingly). Trichomonas was found only in the patients with BV and leukocytes; and M.himinis in diagnostic levels was identified in both variants equally.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(4):49-53
pages 49-53 views

The functional property of interferon status in mothers and their full-term infants with intrauterine viral infection

Koroleva L.I., Evsyukova I.I., Savicheva А.М., Anikin V.В., Selkov S.А.


The functional property of interferon status was studied in 22 mothers and their full-term infants infected with Herpes Simplex Virus and Cytomegalovirus. The findings showed the necessity of interferon status definition in full-term infant for solving the questions about using interferon agent in the complex treatment of viral disease.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(4):54-57
pages 54-57 views

About possibility of clarification of cervical maturity degree using complex sonographic biometry

Savitskiy A.G.


There were used the ultrasound estimation of cervical echogenity («grey scale») with simultaneous histogramms in 6 standard zones with equal squares, each of them was placed in central parts of external os, middle third of cervix and region of internal os. Received information after computer analysis allowed to get objective information about tissue echogenity in examined zones. In parallel the metric characteristics of cervix and its estimation by means of Bishop scale were done. It was established that echographic structure of cervical tissue reflects morpholological changes and maturity. This method gives a possibility to differ as minimum three echotypes of cervix — hyper-, poly-, and hypoechogenic, in accordance with conception of «поп-mature», «maturing» and «mature» cervix. It was confirmed by labor and delivery outcomes analysis. The metric characterisics and Bishop scale do not give objective characteristics of cervical maturity

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(4):58-64
pages 58-64 views

The clnical efficiency of miphepriston using in patients with uterine fibroid

Tapilskaya N.I., Gaydukov S.N.


The authors have given the estimation of clnical efficiency of Miphepriston in the treatment of uterine fibroid. Miphepriston is steroid compounds and antigestagen. Its clnical efficiency is comparable with gonadothropine-antagonists, widely used in in the treatment of uterine fibroid. Miphepriston has a high level of compliance due to its minimal adverse effects

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(4):65-68
pages 65-68 views

The regularities of correlation of process of endometrial cells proliferation and death during the implantation of embryo into front and back walls of uterus

Kobitskaya Е.L., Tatarova N.A., Mikhailov V.М., Rosanov Y.M.


The decidual tissue performs numerous functions during pregnancy to provide for the progress of pregnancy and embryo development. These numerous functions initiate the participation of several cell types in the realization of decidual functioning. Decidual cells replace uterine epithelium and form a new cell barrier between the mother and the fetus. Proliferation activity of endometrial cells of front and back walls of uterus is changing different types during the implantation. The implantation of embryo into a back wall of uterus is a signal for increasing of proliferation activity of endometrial cells into the front wall of uterus.

Unlike from this, the implantation of embryo into the front wall of uterus is not accompanied with increasing proliferation activity of endometrial cells of back wall of uterus.

While pregnancy continue the process of placentation starts and it is accompanied with decreasing of proliferation activity of endometrial cells of a back wall of uterus.The placentation into the front wall of uterus result in high level of endometrial cells death into the front wall of uterus.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(4):69-73
pages 69-73 views

Analysis of pregnancy outcomes using the komi database

Kozlovskaya A.V., Bojko Е.R., Odland J.O.


Based on firstly created Komi database of 1980- 1999 years, the authors analysed labor and delivery outcomes: total amount, newborns height and weight, Apgar score, term of pregnancy in dependence on seasonal and yearly changes. Received data testified that seasonal transformation of human organism in European North conditions along social-economic and medical factors have possible influence to conception, pregnancy and delivery outcomes.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(4):74-80
pages 74-80 views


Congenital syphilis: the old problem against a background of the new epidemiologic situation

Krasnoselskikh Т.V., Sokolovsky Е.V.


The essential issues of clinical and laboratory diagnosis, treatment and prevention of congenital syphilis are reviewed. Last decade the number of babies born with congenital syphilis increased significantly in Russia. Those women at highest risk for the disease seem to be alcohol and drug users, as well as those without antenatal care.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(4):88-92
pages 88-92 views

History of medicine

Professor phenomenov n.n. (by 150 тн anniversary)

Tsvelev Y.V.


The article dedicated by 150th anniversary of Nikolay Phenomenov has opened the contribution of this famous Russian obstetrician and gynecologists in development of operative obstetrics, using of aseptics methods in gynecology, founding of Kazan scientific obsteric-gynecological school, managing of Nadezdinskiy Maternity House in Saint-Petersburg

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(4):100-106
pages 100-106 views

Scientific activity

Information about the International Scientific Congress "Operative Gynecology - New Technologies" dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Professor D.O. Ott

Simchera I.A.


November 22-24, 2005 in St. Petersburg at the Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology. BEFORE. Ott RAMS hosted the International Scientific Congress "Operative Gynecology - New Technologies dedicated to the 150th anniversary of Professor D.O. Ott.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(4):107-110
pages 107-110 views


The modern approaches to prevention and treatment of urine tract infections during pregnancy

Gumenyuk Е.G.


The article presents literature review dedicated by problem of urine tract infections during pregnancy. There were analysed the changes of urine tract organs during pregnancy, problems of antibiotic resistance, the modem approaches to treatment in pregnant women. The peculiarities of pregnancy and labor and delivery in women with urine tract infections, newborns well-being were studied. There were shown the role of Canephrone in urine tract sanation, and its effects on fetus and newborn

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(4):81-87
pages 81-87 views


Patient's rights, medical ethics and juridical responsibility of obstetricians and gynecologists

Ailamazyan Е.K., Tsvelev Y.V.


There were summarized the results of discussion concerning problems of bioethics, deontology, patient’s rights and juridical resonsibility of obstetrician and gynecologists.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 2005;54(4):93-99
pages 93-99 views

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