Vol 8, No 2 (1894)


Current status of the issue of radical treatment of uterine fibroids

Ott D.O.


The President's Hand, Prof. D.O. Ott, pronounced at the meeting of the Society on February 24, 1894.
Mm. Yy! Before proceeding to the presentation of my question, I consider it a pleasant duty for me to bring you, dear comrades, gratitude for the high honor that you have bestowed upon me by electing the Presidents of our Society. It is especially pleasant for me to note that your choice, as indicated by a large majority of electoral votes, is not a matter of chance, but is undoubtedly a strictly deliberate decision.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(2):69-83
pages 69-83 views

Laparotomy with partial overgrowth of the birth canal

Mikhin A.


In the number of defects in the development of female genital organs, a very prominent place is occupied by innate partial overgrowths of the generic canal, although this is rare, but entailing very serious consequences for the health and life of the diseased subject. These overgrowths, or, to put it bluntly, underdevelopment of the lumen of the birth canal, can meet at the entrance to the vagina, along the length of the sleeve, or into the canal of the cervix. In addition, they can be complicated in some cases by the accumulation of blood in the tubes. As for the origin of these forms of developmental defects, at the present time all researchers agree that their cause is either sticky inflammation of the walls of the sleeves in the fetal life, or incomplete fusion of Müllerian filaments with obliteration of the cavity of one of them.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(2):84-96
pages 84-96 views

Medical report on the activities of the Obstetric Department of the Gynecological Clinic prof. N.V. Yastrebova at the Imperial Warsaw University for 1890 (from 15 / III), 1891 and 1892 (until 15 / III)

Brzhezinsky V.A.


Starting to continue the medical report for the new 2-year period of activity of the obstetric clinic at Warsaw University, I will already dwell on the details concerning its external and internal device, as I consider sufficient and the information provided on this issue, which in the report for 1888-1889-1890. up to 15 / III (see the Journal of Akush. and Women's, big. for February, 1893). Everything said there is applicable in this place, as well as the direction that began, as we indicated in our place, from 1885 - from the time of the entry into the obstetric department of prof. N. V. Yastrebova embraces the present reporting years.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(2):97-114
pages 97-114 views

To pathology of the cysts of the hymen and vagina

Ulezko-Stroganova K.


Last year, I had the honor to inform the Gynecological Society of 3 cases of vaginal cysts with a detailed description of their macro-and microscopic structure and, considering the issue of the ethiology of vaginal cysts, how it is in Russian and foreign literature to establish the most common ethological moment for given cases.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(2):115-121
pages 115-121 views

Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies. Protocol number 18. The meeting of the 30th December 1893

Ott D.O.


The chairman was D.O. Ott.
38 members were present: Batsevich, Bullyaev, Vasten, Weber, Viridarskiy, Danilovich, Dobronravov, Dranitsin, Zheltukhin, Zabolotskiy, Zamshin, Zmigrodskiy, Kakushkin, Lichkus, Martsynkevich, Massinikov, Petrov, O. Rachinskiy, Rein, Ruzi, Rymsha, Savchenko, Sokolovskiy, Stelmakhovich, Stravinskiy, Strogonov, Fedorov, Fenomenov, Fisher A.R., Shverdlov, Shuttenbakh, Eichfus, and 45 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(2):123-138
pages 123-138 views

Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies. Protocol No. XVII. Administrative appointment on December 30, 1893

Ott D.O.


D.O. Ott chaired.
36 members were present.

1) Read and approved Protocol No. XVI.
2) The active members are elected:

1) Dimant, Efim Bensionovich, doctor. He received general education at the Odessa 2nd gymnasium, and medical education at the Imperial Kharkov University, where he graduated from the course in 1889 with the title of doctor and uzdnago doctor. After completing the course, he worked at the Odessa hospital. In 1891 he studied obstetrics at the Midwife Institute in St. Petersburg, and then - gynecology at the Clinical Institute of the Grand Duchess Elena Pavlovna.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(2):139
pages 139 views

Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies. Protocol No. 1. Annual meeting on January 18, 1894

Slavyanskiy K.F., Ott D.


It was chaired by K.F. Slavyanskiy.
72 members were present: Andreev, Baskin, Batsevich, Brandt, Bulilovskiy V.A., Bulilovskiy K.A., Balyaev, Vasten, Berninskiy, Viridarskiy, Volovskiy, Hermonius, Gorayskiy, Grinevich, Dobraynytsy Dimant, Zheltukhin, Zabolotskiy, Zamshin, Kakushkin, Kireev, Kreitzer, Krukovich, Lebedev, Lichkus, Mazurkevich, Martynov, Martsynkevich, Maslovskiy V.F., Petrov, Matseevskiy, Miller, Mershonov Polonskiy, Potebnov, Porshnyakov, Radetskiy I.I., Radetskiy R.K., Rachinskiy. Rostkovskiy, Ruzi, Runge, Rutkovskiy, Rymsha, Sadovskiy, Salmanov, Serezhnikov, Smolskiy, Stravinskiy, Stroganov, Sutugin, Tarnovskiy, Urvich, Fisher A.R., Fratkin, Chaginyakh, Shtverdnevskiy Yanpolskiy and 15 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(2):140-153
pages 140-153 views

Meeting of obstetric and gynecological societies. Protocol number I. The administrative meeting on 18 th January 1894

Slavyanskiy K.F., Ott D.


It was chaired by K. F. Slavyanskiy.
72 members attended.
1) According to § 9 of the Charter of the Society, elections were held to the members of the Board for the next two years of 1894-1895. By a closed ballot, from the ones proposed by the preliminary notes, they were elected: the Chairpersons of the Society — D. Ott, in the Companions of the President - V. II. Stolz. Unanimously, per acclamatione, and following the refusal of others proposed from the ballot, the following were elected: LG Lichkus as secretaries and N. I. Stravinsky. A.P. Zabolotskiy was elected librarians.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(2):154-160
pages 154-160 views

A. Rosner. Fibroids and pregnancy. (Przeglad lekarski, 1893, №№: 39-41)

Kaplyanskiy V.


An instructive case of laparotomy in an unrecognized pregnancy complicated by numerous, large fibroids is described by Dr. Alex. Rosner from Clinic Prof. Madurowicz'a in Krakow.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(2):161-163
pages 161-163 views

T. Solmann. Ciaza w macicy podwójnej. (Medycyna 1893, nos. 5-6). The case of pregnancy during pregnancy in a two-legged uterus, mistaken for graviditas extra-uterina

Kaplyanskiy B.


On May 31, 1892, she entered the surgical clinic of the Hospital of the Holy Spirit — Ludwig Ger., 20 years old, sent from Lublin by Dr. Yavorovsky. The patient at 13 years old began to wear regulations, repeated every 4, 5, 6 weeks and lasting 4-5 days. Ger. got married 2 ]/2  years ago, and soon became pregnant; the pregnancy lasted 12 weeks and ended in miscarriage. Since this time, the months have become extremely painful, pain in the sacrum, loss of sexual attraction, sleepiness have appeared.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(2):163-167
pages 163-167 views

Alex. Rosner. Z. Kasuistyki ciecia cesarskiego (Pzeglad lekarski, 1893, No. 9-10). To the casuistry of the Caesar section

Kaplyanskiy V.


On June 26, 1892, she entered the clinic V para, 30 years old, with the childbirth that had already begun and the waters receding. The woman in labor suffers for about a year from some kind of tumor in the lumbar region, which causes her severe pain in the lower back and left leg; the latter is rotated inwardly and makes it difficult to walk.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(2):167-169
pages 167-169 views

Dr. Mikolaj Warman. Przyczynek do leczenia poronien, osnuty natle 250 wypadkow. (Gazeta lekarska, 1894, no. 3). To the doctrine of the treatment of miscarriages

Polonsky B.


The difference of opinion regarding the treatment of miscarriages was the reason for the author to write this article. In science, two currents meet: Brennecke, Heinvicius, Dührssen, Kleinmacher, Fehling and others. see in the prolonged delay of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity during a miscarriage, not to mention bleeding, a clear danger not only for health (insufficient reverse development), but also for the patient's life, which is why active surgical intervention is recommended. Schroeder, Winckel, Olshausen, Kazan, on the basis of pathological and clinical data, assert completely opposite and believe in full recovery from spontaneous miscarriage, which is why they are limited to expectant treatment.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1894;8(2):169-173
pages 169-173 views

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