Vol 7, No 9 (1893)


20 cases of full excision of the uterus through the sleeve

Fenomenov N.


In 1890 I described 23 cases of complete excision of the uterus; In this article I give a description of the cases operated in the time period from October 28, 1890 to February 16, 1893. All operations during this time were made 20. In chronological order of production, they are arranged as follows.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(9):693-706
pages 693-706 views

Tuberculosis and indomitable vomiting in pregnant women as indications for emptying the uterus. Old and modern methods of production of the latter and the influence of the former on the indications for this operation.

Ginzburg N.D.


The literature of the named diseases, mainly casuistry, has grown to a considerable size, but the indications for their surgical treatment have not been developed at all; new reports of such cases, especially with a fatal outcome, which do not get into the press very much, will serve to clarify the benefits of an artificial legal interruption of pregnancy in them.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(9):707-725
pages 707-725 views

The case of a conservative caesarian reduction in case of absolute indication

Ivanov A.I.


Anamnesis. The pregnant OT is descended from a dwarf humpbacked father and a medium-sized woman mother; had a dwarf brother who died of diphtheria, a sister who died of an unknown cause and a healthy and living brother, both of which were no different from ordinary people.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(9):726-731
pages 726-731 views

A case of chronic postpartum uterine inversion. (inversio uteri puerperalis chronica.)

Poyurovskiy G.


Despite the fact that in all the manuals of Obstetrics and Women's Diseases, acute and chronic postpartum inversions of the uterus are rather thoroughly treated, however, not everyone, even a very busy obstetrician-gynecologist, has to deal with patients obsessed with this suffering.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(9):737-745
pages 737-745 views

On the casuistry of malformations of female genital organs

Kudish G.


Case 1. On May 26, 1892, pregnant S. Ts. Was admitted to the maternity shelter at the Hospital of the Society of Kremenchug Doctors for an operational benefit on the following occasion. S. Ts., Being married to her first husband for 12 years, suffered all this time from infertility, the second time she got married six months ago, and, suspecting that she was pregnant after a 4-month absence of the regulator, turned to the local doctor about this (in Cherkassy), who, having stated a 4-month pregnancy, indicated the need for an operation so that childbirth could occur without hindrance.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(9):745-747
pages 745-747 views

101. Popyalkovskiy, MI Electricity with reflex vomiting of pregnant women (Medical Review. No. 23, 1892)

Zabolotsky A.


The author, listing the methods of faradization and galvanization, used by different authors, indicating the places of application of the electrodes, their form, the combination of their action, the current strength and the duration of the sessions.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(9):748
pages 748 views

102. Dührssen. Der Werth der tiefen Cervix — u. Scheidendamm-Ein-schnite in der Geburtshülfe. (Archiv f. Gynäk. Vol. 44, p. 413). The importance of deep incisions in the cervix, vagina and perineum in obstetrics

Feinberg B.


With the quoted work, Dührssen completes a number of detailed works on the significance of the above incisions during childbirth. The first work appeared in 1890 (Arch. F. Gyn. Vol. 37, tetra. 1), followed by a continuation and in Therapeut. Monatshefte for May 1890 and in Berlin obstetrician. society (Centr. f. Gyn. 1890, pp. 245 and 283) and at the International Congress in Berlin (Arch. f. Gyn. vol. 39, p. 128).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(9):748-752
pages 748-752 views

103. Kuzmin, PI Case of operation episiocleisis with fistula vesico-uretro et recto vaginalis (Medits. Obzr. No. 23, 1892)

Zabolotskiy A.


The small number of episocleisis cases and the controversy surrounding it led the author to report his observation.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(9):752-753
pages 752-753 views

104 H. Bruchon. Dilatation uterine avec des laminaires. Perforation incomplete de la levre posterieure du col. (Nouv. Arch. D Obstetr. Et de Gynec. No. 5, 1892). Dilation of the uterus with kelp. Incomplete perforation of the posterior lip of the cervix.

Zabolotsky A.


The author, reporting the medical history of one patient, whom he, about the endometritis of the cervix and the body of the uterus and left-sided catarrhal salpingitis, made the expansion of the uterine cavity with kelp for curettage.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(9):753
pages 753 views

105. Serebryanskiy, IM Four sections of the abdominal cavity, produced for various diseases of internal female genital organs. (Medical Review., No. 21, 1892).

Zabolotskiy A.


Chronic right-sided salpingitis. Periophorium. Apoplexia and cystic degeneration of the right ovary. Gluttony. Recovery.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(9):753-757
pages 753-757 views

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