Vol 7, No 1 (1893)



Massen V.N.


The subject of my lecture is the pathological and anatomical studies of some organs of women who died in seizures of eclampsia. Partly on the basis of these studies, which to a certain extent confirm the data of the authors who worked on this issue earlier, partly on the basis of the results of urine analysis and some purely laboratory observations, I will allow myself to give a new explanation of the origin of eclamptic seizures in pregnant women, women in labor and postpartum women.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):1-24
pages 1-24 views


Lvov I.M.


The typhus epidemic observed at the end of last year and the beginning of this year in Kazan gave me quite a lot of material for studying the influence of this disease on the course of pregnancy and the fetus. Back in 1867, Dr. Kaminsky gave us a diagram of how to monitor fever in the mother, and at the same time accurately established the influence of typhoid fever on the course of pregnancy and the fetus. It was he who pointed out that out of 98 typhoid cases in 63, the pregnancy was terminated, the course of the disease itself during pregnancy was ordinary, and bleeding easily follows after childbirth. Further, Kaminsky found that with a rise in the mother's temperature to 40 °, there is a danger for the life of the fetus in the form of a changed heartbeat and its movements, indicating the onset of intrauterine asphyxiation of the fetus. This danger increased as the temperature rose or its status quo continued for a long time, and the case in these cases was resolved either by an interruption of pregnancy or by the death of the fetus without the termination of pregnancy at this time.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):24-32
pages 24-32 views


Ruzi D.A.


Taking advantage of this summer's epidemic, we, at the suggestion of prof. KF Slavyansk, engaged in the study of pathological and anatomical changes in the female genital organs with cholera. These observations seem all the more noteworthy because the authors who have worked up to now in this direction have come to almost opposite conclusions.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):32-38
pages 32-38 views


Krassovskiy A.Y.


Patient El. Isa., A bourgeois woman, 23 years old, a second child, was admitted to the obstetric institution for No. 1988 on November 17th at 2 o'clock in the morning with her throat open by three fingers, with a whole amniotic fluid.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):39-43
pages 39-43 views


Solovyov A.N.


The modern trend towards conservative laparotomy in gynecological operations is a sign of the times. It appeared as a reaction against the hobbies that many doctors suffered, thanks to the success of laparotomy, as a result of which the opening of the abdominal cavity became almost unpunished.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):44-49
pages 44-49 views


Slavyanskiy K.F.


35 members were present: Baskin, Batsevich, Bidder, Brandt, Vasten, Vertsinskiy, Vorobyev, Hermonius, Danilovich, Dobradin, Dobrovolskiy V.N., Dobrovolskiy S.I., Dranitsyn, Zheltukhin, Zabolotskiy, Zamshin, Lichkus, Martsynkevich, Massen, Ott, Piotrovich, Rodzevich, Ruzi, Rutkovskiy, Savchenko, Sadovskiy. Salmanov. Stelmakhovich, Stravinsky, Ulrikh, Fisher A. R., Chernyshev. Shverdlov, Shmidt, Shurinov and 19 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):50-56
pages 50-56 views


Voff I.A.


A.I. Kraskovskiy, at the request of KM Sapezhko, who was absent from the city, showed the society a patient in whom Dr. Sapezhko, by cutting the lower part of the sacrum, excreted an intrapelvic tumor that turned out to be sarcoma during microscopic examination; the postoperative course was complicated by slight bleeding after removing the dressing and the formation of a fistula, cured by curettage; the patient is now feeling fine. This patient is also interesting in that she has already been shown to society twice as a rare example of long-term retention in the uterine cavity of the head separated from the trunk (see prot. No. 38 and 40). This case will be communicated to the public in even more detail.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):57-62
pages 57-62 views

Ovariotomy during pregnancy of two succesfal cases

Lapina A.


Kreutzmann reports two successful ovariotomies during pregnancy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):63
pages 63 views

Excitation of labor by intrauterine injections of glycerin

Voff I.


Having briefly examined the existing methods of initiating artificial premature labor and finding them not entirely appropriate and safe for the mother and the fetus, the author cites his observations on the use of glycerin in the Cologne obstetric institution in order to excite and enhance the labor of the uterus: from the given birth histories, it is clear that intrauterine injections glycerol, this goal is achieved quickly, without the slightest harm to the mother or fetus, and without any change in the usual mechanism of childbirth, and glycerin, over other commonly injected liquids, has a great advantage in its antiseptic properties.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):63-64
pages 63-64 views

About Duhrssen's deep incisions in the cervix, vagina and perineum

Voff I.


The author reports two cases where he found the use of Duhrssen notches shown; the first case is also interesting in that childbirth and the postpartum period were complicated by inflammation of the kidney.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):64-65
pages 64-65 views

Vinum lpecacuanhae for weakness of labor pains

Fisher A.


Not so long ago Drapes ("Quarterly therap. Review") suggested vinum ipecacuanhae in the amount of 2-3 times 10-15 drops each, as a good remedy for the weakness of labor pain for the excitation of perfectly correct contractions of the uterus.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):65-66
pages 65-66 views

A case of pregnancy and childbirth with complete hymen intact

Zabolotskiy A.


On March 21 of the current year, a 25-year-old woman in labor was admitted to the clinic, living a sexual life for the second year with a 20-year-old man. She menstruates correctly from the age of 13 in 3 weeks to 5 days and the last blood was on June 13.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):66-67
pages 66-67 views

Artificial preterm labor in private practice

Feinberg B.


Unfortunately, The benefits of Lister's antiseptic science, says Fehling, have been taken advantage of by gynecology to a much greater extent than obstetrics. From obstetric operations to caesarean section, Lister's scholarship brought more benefits than forceps and perforations. It would therefore be desirable that in the future, artificial premature birth under the influence of anti- and asepsis would give both the mother and the fetus better results than at the present time, and then only this operative aid in a state will be replaced, as a cesarean section with conditional shown and perforated.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):67-69
pages 67-69 views

About symphysiotomy

Zabolotskiy A.


The ideal obstetric operation for narrow pelvis can only be recognized as one that would save the mother and child. Caesarean section nowadays gives the best results, but according to the most favorable of all Leopold's statistics before 1890, out of 28 cases, the death rate of children is 0, the mortality rate of mothers is 8.6 per 100. So this operation is not ideal.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):70-72
pages 70-72 views

A case of a preserving caesarean section

Fisher A.


Ms. Ch., 26 years old; poor health; started to walk at the age of 6; the first menstruation - at the age of 12, got married on the 19th and immediately became pregnant. The first birth, which lasted 46 hours, ended with a craniotomy at the Obstetric Aid in Moscow; the second pregnancy was artificially terminated by the author at the end of the 24th week, - a living child was born, died after 7 weeks from congenital weakness; The author interrupted the third pregnancy at the 36th week, and the labor was completed by the difficult imposition of forceps on the head moving above the entrance to the pelvis, - the girl was born in asphyxiation, revived. The present, fourth, pregnancy proceeded as follows: the last regulations between March 7 and 10, 1891; first fetal movement - July 24; only on 30 November (i.e. at the end of the 38th week) did the pregnant woman turn to the author.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):72-74
pages 72-74 views

Towards the doctrine of central perineal tears

Zabolotskiy A.


Analyzing the signs by which the authors define the central perineal rupture, namely, the violation of the integrity of all its tissues in the central part with the preservation of the posterior commissure of the genital fissure and the anus, the author says that they do not exhaust the concept of a central perineal rupture and proposes to formulate it as follows: “central rupture is such damage to the perineum, which, being localized in its center, violates the integrity of either its entire thickness, or individual layers of this thickness, and at the same time is separated by sections of undamaged tissue, both from the genital fissure and from the anus. "

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):74-78
pages 74-78 views

To the prevention of postpartum diseases

Fisher A.


Although very significant results have been achieved in the field of obstetric antiseptics in recent years, it cannot be denied that some aspects of this case still cannot be considered finally resolved; this should include mainly the questions about the importance of preventive disinfection and about the limitation of internal research of women in labor, which have been subject to lively discussion in recent years. The author, on the basis of the material of the Erlangen obstetric clinic, tries to approach the solution of these controversial practical issues closely related to the current state of our knowledge regarding the bacteriology of the internal genital organs of pregnant women and women in labor ("self-infection").

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):78-79
pages 78-79 views

To prevent childbirth fever

Fisher A.


The authors, on the basis of the rich material of the Dresden clinic (in 1891 - 1487 childbirth), come to different conclusions than Frommet (see the previous abstract): with the abolition of vaginal douching in normal childbirth, the postpartum period improved.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):79-80
pages 79-80 views

About choosing a wet nurse

Markova S.


The author first of all points out the qualities that a good nurse should have. She must not be younger than 20, otherwise she is not experienced enough and not strong enough to feed a baby. In addition, the milk of a woman from 16 to 20 years old contains relatively little water and sugar, and a lot of casein and fat, in composition it is close to cow's milk and is difficult to digest. On the other hand, a nurse should not be older than 35 years, because at this age a woman's milk contains a lot of water and few dense constituents; such milk is not very nutritious. The time of the woman's release from the burden is of great importance. It is best to take a woman as a wet nurse no earlier than 3 months after her birth.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):80-81
pages 80-81 views

Several data on the sexual activity of the peasant women of the Taganrog district of the Oblast of the Don Army

Zabolotskiy A.


The author interviewed 1,328 women, exclusively peasant women, who always lived in the countryside, about the beginning of the regulation and it turned out that on average it corresponds to 16.47 years. These data are closest to the observations of Nikolsky in the Tambov district, Lieven in Russia in general and prof. Slavyansky in the Mikhailovsky district of the Ryazan province.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):81-82
pages 81-82 views

Endurance of the uterus in relation to aseptic foreign bodies. Dangers of Expansion Lint and Sponges Prepared for Sale

Zabolotskiy A.


The author recommends to be more careful when using objects for the expansion of the uterus, which are on sale, in view of their poor processing or due to a simple mistake of the manufacturer, and cites one of his observations in this regard, made three years before.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):82-83
pages 82-83 views

The case of amenorrhea with galatorrhea

Fisher A.


A healthy, strong, very plump, married woman who did not give birth, 35 years of age, who always menstruated correctly (5 days after 4 weeks) from the age of 12, suddenly stopped for no apparent reason, and in both breasts appeared milk, which she had to express in view of the painful feeling of tension; about half a glass of milk was released from the right breast per day, and even a whole glass of milk from the left; the breasts did not noticeably increase.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):83
pages 83 views

Sleeve tearing during copulation

Rutkovskiy A.


Sleeve breaks during copulation are very rare, some authors even doubt their possibility.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):83
pages 83 views

Gonorrhea in little girls

Feinberg B.


Since then, as vulvo-vaginitis in young girls began to manifest itself both epidemic and endemic, special attention has been paid to this disease. The first was Pott (1883), who pointed out that this disease is based on infection with tripe poison, vaccinated by mothers or close relatives; later and other authors: Widmark, Cséri, Fränkel, and in recent times Prochownik, Pott, Dusch and Spaeth found diplococcus in the genital area of such girls, very similar to Neisser's gonococcus.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):83-85
pages 83-85 views

Treatment of uterine fold back by gluttony

Sadovskiy P.


The author considers laparotomy to be the best surgical remedy against backward curvature of the uterus. Prior to her, he advises to try treatment with pessaries, especially in cases where the appendages are healthy and the uterus is mobile, small in size and the disease is not acute. In cases of complications with metritis, perineal rupture, you should first heal them and then apply a pessary. Analyzing the operative methods of retroflexion treatment, the author divides them into the following categories: vaginal surgery, Alexandr's surgery, hystéropexia and laparotomy.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):85-86
pages 85-86 views


Fedorov I.I.


Any scientific work, no matter what field of knowledge it belongs to, necessarily requires the following necessary conditions from the author: 1) scientific experience or scientific legal capacity, 2) fully developed scientific criticism, and 3) necessarily strictly scientific honesty, in the sense of at least perfect objectivity in the transmission of stated facts or observed phenomena. Only by satisfying all these requirements, the author can count on the fact that the conclusions of his research will really serve to clarify the truth in the interests of one or another question raised.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1893;7(1):87-104
pages 87-104 views

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