Vol 6, No 3 (1892)



Slaviansky K.F.


Dear Sirs, Dear comrades! Appreciating the sacred customs of our Society and starting today the duties of the Chairman of the Obstetric and Gynecological Society in St. Petersburg for the biennium of 1892-1893, I will begin my activity with an introductory word, which was imputed to us at the founding meeting of 1886, - the duty that our Chairmen have up to now performed unswervingly.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):189-203
pages 189-203 views


Krassovsky A.Y.


No. 165. Multi-lumen colloid cyst of the left ovary, without adhesions. Colloid cyst of the right ovary. Bilateral ovaryotomy. Convalescence.

P.V.V., a bourgeois woman, was admitted to MGO on September 15, 1889 with a complaint of severe general weakness, which did not even allow her to sit, pain in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, and heartburn; aching bones, especially the right thigh and right knee.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):204-223
pages 204-223 views


Ivanov A.I.


Diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy, especially in the first 2-3 months, is so difficult that many doctors consider it possible in extremely rare cases. Bandl doubts the possibility of diagnosing an ectopic pregnancy up to 3 months, if it is not accompanied by any complications. Professor NF Tolochinov says that "recognition of an ectopic pregnancy in the first half of it is possible only in exceptional cases, under especially favorable circumstances." Professor Krassovskiy claims that the diagnosis of an ectopic pregnancy, especially in the early stages of her pregnancy, can only be made with a certain probability. Spiegelberg, Schröder and many others hold the same view on the diagnosis of ectopic pregnancy, and Depaul considers it almost completely impossible to recognize this anomaly in the first 4-5 months of its development.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):224-238
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Druzhinin I.N.


Uterus didelphys belongs to the number of very rare forms of anomalies of female genital organs and among the vast obstetric and gynecological literature, among the otherwise rich casuistic material, this defect of development is assigned in the literature only the most, comparatively, modest corner. Therefore, I considered it useful to publish the case I recently observed, especially since, in addition to the casuistic meaning in general, it is of outstanding interest also due to the extreme importance of some phenomena

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):239-253
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Pіontnovsky F.F.


The congenital deformity of the uterus duplex separatus occurs, according to Schröder, so rarely that it was more often found on the section table next to such deformities that made the fetus unable to live, and only recently have a number of cases in adult women been published. In my six-year zemstvo practice on 87,000 men and women sick with all diseases in general, it comes across only the second time. Unfortunately, I cannot describe the first case, because the patient, left for a more detailed study, left without being written down even in the book; but both cases are so similar that the thought of the complete identity of the patients involuntarily appears.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):254-256
pages 254-256 views


Aue G.X.


The patient, 19 years old, a girl, was admitted to the Surgical Department of the Institute on December 9, 1891. 12 years ago, by chance, while dressing up as a mother, the patient was noticed in the latter a swelling in both groins the size of a pigeon's egg.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):257-261
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PROTOCOL No. 1. The annual appointment on January 18, 1892

Krassovskiy A.Y.


71 members were present: Andreev N. Yu., Baykov, Baskin, Batsevich, Brandt, Vasten, Berlinskiy, Volovskiy, Vorobyov, Hermonius, Gess, Goraiskiy, Grinev, Danilovich, Dobradin, Dobrovolskiy V., Dobrovolskiy S., Dranitsyn, Zheltukhin, Zabolotskiy, Zamyatin, Kireev, Krasnopolskiy, Lebedev, Lichkus, Mazurkevich, Martynov, Martsynkevich, Maslovskiy V., Massen, Mersh, Misevich, Ott, Petrov, Shotrovich, Polonskiy, Pootebnov, Popov, Porshnyakov, Radetskiy I., Radektsiy R., Rachinskiy, Renteln, Ruzi, Runge, Rutkovskiy, Savchenko, Sadovskiy, Salmanov, Slavyanskiy, Smolenskiy, Smolskiy, Soloviev A.S., Stravinskiy, Strogonov, Sutugin, Fisher A., ​​Fisher B., Fratkin, Tsekhanovetskiy, Chagin, Chernevskiy, Chernyshev. Shverdlov, Schmidt, Shtol, Stolz, Shurinov. Schuttenbach, Eichfus, Yanpolsky and 10 guests.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):262-288
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PROTOCOL No. 1. Administrative arrest on January 18, 1892

Volovskiy K.A.


70 members attended.

1) Due to the sudden illness of the Chairman and the absence of the Comrade Chairman as a running member of the Board, it was proposed to take his place to the eldest of those present - K. A. Volovsky.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):289-294
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Voff I.A.


E.G. Gurin presented a new explanation of the origin of eclampsia. Of all the existing theories of the origin of eclampsia - Frerichs, Rosenstein-Traube, Halberstma, Stumpf, Blanc - none of them stand up to strict criticism and cannot serve to explain all the varieties of eclamps. Studying the clinical picture of eclampsia, we find in it a great similarity with the picture of violent and severe poisoning and therefore we can put forward a hypothesis about eclampsia, as a disease resulting from a kind of self-clogging of the female body with chemical poisons.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):295-297
pages 295-297 views

Dermatol is not a substitute for idoform

Fisher A.


The question of the significance of dermatol as a dressing agent is not yet fully clarified (see articles by Heinz and Liebrecht, O. Rosenthal, Sackur in "Berl. Klin. Wochencshr.", 1891, No. 24, 29 , 30 and 32, and the author's report at the last congress of the German Gynecological Society in Bonn). In this article, on the basis of further observations, the author seeks to distinguish between indications for the use of dermatol and iodoform in dry dressings.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):298
pages 298 views

Lizol in surgery

Fisher A.


The author, by means of precise studies, stated that lysol from the point of view of killing bacteria is at least equivalent to carbolic acid, being at the same time much less toxic.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):298-299
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On the use of ichthyol and lysol in gynecology and obstetrics

Brandt A.


The author, at the suggestion of Martin, tried the action of ichthyol in 4G cases of the most diverse forms of diseases of the female genital area.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):299-300
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About hydrastinin

Brandt A.


At the suggestion of prof. Löhlein's author experimented at the Giessen clinic with Hydrastininum muriaticum. This drug was offered to patients or by mouth in the form of gelatin capsules, the size of a decent pill, containing 0.025 Hydrast. muriat., or under the skin in the form of a sterilized solution containing 0.025-0.1 of this agent. When applying this agent inside or under the skin, the author did not observe any side effects. The functions of the gastrointestinal canal were not disturbed, there were no abscesses at the injection site.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):300-302
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A case of early menstruation

Rutkovskiy A.


By the end of the 1st year of life, girl I., the daughter of relatively healthy parents, who was born on time and had no illnesses during this period, developed a fever in February 1891, on the second day a rash appeared all over her body, mistaken for hives; on the 3rd day the fever decreased, but the child was very restless and clutched at the lower abdomen with his hands.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):302
pages 302 views

To the treatment of miscarriages

Fisher A.


The number of observed miscarriages is 60; 8 of them had a fever (38-41 °) before admission to the author's use, and one patient died 2 hours later after the decomposition of the decomposed ovum (septic peritonitis) was removed from the uterus. The remaining 52 cases gave 3.7% morbidity and 0 mortality.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):302-303
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Tubal pregnancy. Gluttony with a favorable outcome

Ruzi D.


Patient T.K., a peasant woman, 36 years old, was admitted to the hospital on March 28, 1891 with complaints of general weakness, pain in the abdomen and blood discharge from the genitals. The first regulations appeared at the age of 14 and were soon established in the correct 3-week periods, lasting 5-6 days in moderate quantities. She got married at 20, gave birth 2 times. After the last birth, which was 7 years ago, pains in the genital area and leucorrhoea appeared, from which the patient was treated in the hospital. About two months ago, pains in the abdomen, lower back, a feeling of pressure on the bottom, difficult urination, constipation and blood discharge from the uterus appeared again.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):303
pages 303 views

A case of uterine rupture during childbirth due to head dropsy of the fetus. Recovery

Krasnopolskiy F.


Having made a brief review of uterine ruptures during pregnancy and childbirth, both voluntary and traumatic, the author describes a case of rupture that was under his supervision, the interest of which is that the rupture occurred spontaneously in the early period of labor, without previous threatening symptoms and ended in recovery with conservative treatment.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):304
pages 304 views

Some remarks related to the technique and indicated for the production of cesarean section

Brandt A.


In the course of the past year, the author had to perform a Caesar section in the Hamburg maternity hospital five times, of which 3 sections were performed according to the Porro method and 2 according to the classical method. The indications for the Porro operation were, in the first case, the narrowing of the pelvis under the influence of coxalgia, in the other, the narrowing of the pelvis due to a dense tumor of the pelvis, and, finally, in the third, the narrowing was due to the intraligamentary ovarian cyst, which turned out to be completely immobile in this case. Porro's operation was not shown, but was done due to consistent uterine atony.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):305
pages 305 views

Caesarean section due to pelvic tumor

Rutkovskiy A.


Primiparous, 20 years old. Childbirth lasted three days under the supervision of a simple midwife, and then a city grandmother, and only on the 4th day the woman in labor was in the maternity hospital. 6 weeks before giving birth, the pregnant woman fell on the sacrum and was badly hurt — since then she had severe pains in the lower abdomen with severe fever with tremendous chills, which kept her in bed all the time. When examined through the vagina, a tumor is low in the pelvic cavity, round, slightly painful, certainly motionless, dense, filling the entire sacral cavity; the upper border of the tumor is not defined behind the presenting head.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):305-306
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The case of the Porro operation

Rutkovskiy A.


T.V., 20 years old, primiparous. She started to walk early and walked well until 2 years old. From 2 to 4 years old, the gait was with a strong transshipment.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):306-307
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Parametritis puerperalis et influenza

Ruzi D.


The author gives a case of parametritis puerperalis, complicated by Influenza, which manifested itself as headache, chills, cough, and other symptoms.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):307
pages 307 views

Complications of the postpartum period by excessive accumulation of gases in the intestines due to the retraction of the intestines in the Douglas space

Krasnopolskiy F.


In a 22-year-old woman, after a normally proceeding childbirth, on the 3rd day of a normally proceeding postpartum period, rapidly progressive abdominal distention began to be found; 11/2 tablespoons of castor oil are given; indulgence did not come. On the 4th day, the size of the abdomen corresponded to the end of pregnancy; the stomach is painless; attempts to insert the probe into the rectum did not reach the goal: at a known insignificant height, the probe encountered an insurmountable obstacle. On the 5th day, the swelling progressed with good general condition, T ° 37.0-37.5, P 80 per minute.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):307-308
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Report of the obstetric faculty clinic of the Imperial Moscow University for 1889

Fisher A.


In the preface to the report by prof. A.M. Makev describes the history of the origin and realization of the idea of building a new obstetric clinic named after E.V. Paskhalova, who donated large capital for this good cause; The detailed plans attached to the report clearly illustrate the description of this exemplary institution.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):308-309
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Report of the obstetric faculty clinic of the Imperial Moscow University for 1890

Fisher A.


During the reporting year, 623 pregnant women and women in labor were admitted to the clinic; of these, 598 were resolved in the clinic, and 25 dropped out before giving birth; from May 1 to September 19, there was no delivery of women in labor. There were 138 primiparas (23.1%), voniparas — 142 (23.7%), and many — 318 (53.2%); primiparas over 30 years old met 20, including one 47 years old. There were 584 single genera and 14 twins. Urgent — 506, premature — 73, miscarriages — 19. Presentation (except for 11 early miscarriages): headache — 571 (95.0%), shoulder — 3 (0.5%); of the head: occipital — 558, parietal — 2, ear — 1, facial — 5, not recognized (street delivery, etc.) —5. A narrow pelvis was observed in 54 cases (9%).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):309-310
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Medical report of the maternity hospital of the Golitsyn hospital in Moscow for 1890

Fisher A.


During the reporting year, 33 pregnant women and 800 women in labor were admitted to the clinic; 820 were allowed from the burden, 13 were discharged before delivery. In addition, 193 women were denied admission for lack of place. Of the total number of primary-pregnant women admitted to the hospice, 152 (18.2%), second-pregnant — 173 (20.8%), and re-pregnant — 508 (61.0%); at the age of 15 to 20 years — 110, from 21 to 25 years — 270, from 26—30 years —262, from 31—45 years — 191. There were 4 primiparas over 30 years old.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):310-311
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The practical significance of septic patients found in sweat of pyogenic cocci

Fisher A.


As you know, Brunner and Eisäsberg stated the presence of staphylococci in the blood and sweat of pyemic patients. In three respective cases, the author, on the one hand, confirmed their observations, and on the other, tried to use this fact for therapeutic purposes, proceeding from the idea that artificially induced profuse sweating, perhaps, will facilitate the elimination of microorganisms from the blood and their toxins.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):311-312
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To the question of the ethiology and therapy of ureterovaginal fistulas

Ruzi D.


The causes of uretero-vaginal fistulas can be not only various obstetric operations, but also some and gynecological; Among the latter, the first place is occupied by vaginal extirpation of the uterus affected by cancer.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):312
pages 312 views

On the study of vaginal neoplasms

Fisher A.


In view of the comparative rarity of connective tissue and muscle neoplasms of the vagina (the number of published cases does not exceed 70), the author reports the following two observations.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):312-313
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A large abscess of the uterus, opened in its cavity. Recovery

Krasnopolskiy F.


A Jewish woman, 65 years old, has been ill for several days, complains of a fever and pain in the lower abdomen. On 2 transverse fingers under the pubis, a tumor is felt, very painful, emanating from the small pelvis; complete prolapse of the vagina and incomplete uterus; with a double study of the reduction of the fallen out parts, it is determined that the fornices are free, and the above-mentioned painful swelling is a direct continuation of the significantly enlarged uterus.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):313-314
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Partial saddle amputation of the vaginal part of the uterus

Krasnopolskiy F.


Having examined the indication for amputation of the vaginal part and the consistent development of its technique, the author points out the disadvantages of the currently practiced methods (Simon and Schroeder): 1) Duration of the operation (from 3 to 7 quarters of an hour. 2) Significant blood loss. 3) In the intervals between the sutures, healing occurs per secundam due to non-adhesion of the edges of the wound, which takes 4 to 6 weeks. 4) Deformations of the vaginal part: irregular shape, scars around the pharynx and after surgery Simon's partial ectropion of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal. Partial saddle amputation of the vaginal part of the uterus

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):314
pages 314 views

The current state of the art on the technique of surgery to remove the uterus through the vagina

Rutkovskiy A.


Without going into either the history of this operation or its literature, the author of the note shares with the reader the impressions that he took from the personal direct observation of the operation in the hands of various gynecologists of our time (Reap, Second, Olshausen, Martin ' a, Leopold''a, H.H. Phenomenova, V.F.Snegirev and D.O. Ott).

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):314-317
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On operations with already developed uterine cancer

Brandt A.


According to the author, in contrast to the existing opinion that the parts affected by cancer can only be thoroughly removed if the neoplasm is limited only to the uterus and does not move to the adjacent parts, the possibility of radically operating even in cases where the disease has spread to a greater or lesser extent is not excluded. the surrounding uterus tissue.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):317-318
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A case of uterine artery aneurysm

Krasnopolskiy F.


The patient complains of a feeling of pulsation in the lower abdomen. When investigated in the left arch is determined by an elastic tumor, spherical, very clearly pulsating; the tumor is placed in the left broad ligament immediately above the fornix, which it protrudes from top to bottom, tightly adjoins the uterus from the place of attachment of the fornix almost to the bottom of the uterus; its size is about a hen's egg, the surface above and below is smooth, a transverse groove runs along the front surface; with prolonged pressure, the tumor decreases by half, with the cessation of pressure, it quickly returns to normal.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):318-319
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Castration for osteomalacia

Fisher A.


As the essence of osteomalacia, so even more the possibility of its cure by castration represent many mysterious and unexplained sides [cf. “Jury. obstetrician. and women. Bol. ”, 1888, p. 938 and 1890, p. 837. Ref ..] In view of this, every observation related to this is extremely important.

Journal of obstetrics and women's diseases. 1892;6(3):319
pages 319 views

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