Modern approaches to the correction of renal dysfunction in pregnant women

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Phytopreparation Kanefron N includes components that provide antispasmodic, vasodilating, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action. The efficacy of cannephron H was studied in 132 pregnant women, 52 of whom had a concomitant urinary tract infection, and 80 had gestosis and / or chronic parenchymal kidney damage (chronic glomerulonephritis, interstitial nephritis), in eight cases complicated by chronic renal failure. The following cumulative effects of the treatment with canephropom H were obtained: improvement of peripheral (including renal) blood circulation (according to coagulogram tests), increased urine output, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action (including in relation to the vaginal flora). The drug is safe for the mother and the fetus, as evidenced by the outcomes of pregnancy and childbirth in women treated with Kanephron N. The effectiveness of treatment depends on its duration (at least 3-4 months). It is possible to combine kanefron N with antibacterial, antispasmodic agents and with antihypertensive drugs.

About the authors

М. A. Repin

Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education M3 RF

Author for correspondence.

Department of Reproductive Health of Women

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Е. G. Krapivina

Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education M3 RF


Department of Reproductive Health of Women

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

V. А. Kolchin

Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education M3 RF


Department of Reproductive Health of Women

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

O. А. Stambulova

Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education M3 RF


Department of Reproductive Health of Women

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


Copyright (c) 2004 Eсо-Vector

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