Experience of cyclooxygenase inhibitor use for correction of urine overproduction in incontinent women

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Hypothesis/aims of study. Questions of urine incontinence pathogenesis and ways of treatment are actively discussed by gynecologists, urologists and neuropathologists. Urine incontinence often has multifactor origin: the causes of urine incontinence are connected, as a rule, with violation of urine continence functional mechanisms, anatomical and topographical features of the lower urinary tract or an age failure of ovaries function. At the same time changes of kidneys function play part in urine incontinence pathogenesis. In some cases urine incontinence is combined with urine overproduction or inversion of circadian rhythm of renal function due to decrease in a reabsorption sodium ions in the thick ascending limb of a Henle’s loop. The reabsorption of Na+, K+, Ca2+, Mg2+, Cl– in this department of a nephron is increased by vasopressin activation of V2-receptors. In some patients we succeeded to normalize ions transport, diuresis, circadian rhythm of urine production by desmopressin administration, however in some cases significant decrease in a diuresis did not happen. The lack of therapy effect could be connected with local production of substances resisting to effect of this hormone, in particular prostaglandin E2. The current analysis was undertaken to evaluate the clinical efficiency of Diclofenac in incontinent patients with nocturnal polyuria and polyuria.

Study design, materials and methods. A total of 44 patients with complaints of urinary incontinence, polyuria (24-urine volume of 40 mL/kg bodyweight or above) or nocturnal polyuria (nocturnal volume/24-h urine volume of 0.33 or above) (Van Kerrebroeck P., 2002) and 14 control subjects were included. Mean patient age was 42.8 ± 4.5 years, in control subjects 39.4 ± 6.3 (p > 0.05). All participants performed 72h-urinecollection to determine the voided volumes and the levels of creatinine, osmolality, sodium, magnesium and potassium for each sample. A blood sample was taken during the 72-urinecollection to determine the levels of creatinine, osmolality, sodium, magnesium and potassium. The examination of patients with polyuria and nocturnal polyuria was performed twice: in the initial state and one month after the start of treatment with optimal dose of Diclofenac.

Results. In patients with polyuria and nocturnal polyuria the glomerular filtration rate was normal, whereas diuresis and solute (sodium, magnesium, potassium) clearance in night samples in nocturnal polyuria and both in night and day samples was higher. Diclofenac use had the normalizing effect on transport of ions in a nephron.

About the authors

Natalya A. Osipova

St. Petersburg State University

Author for correspondence.
Email: naosipova@mail.ru

Professor, Assistant PhD, Medical Faculty, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Dariko A. Niauri

St. Petersburg State University

Email: d.niauri@mail.ru

MD, PhD, DMedSci, Professor, Medical Faculty, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg

Alexander M. Gzgzyan

St. Petersburg State University

Email: d.niauri@mail.ru

MD, PhD, DMedSci, Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology

Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. 1. Effect of Diclofenac on sodium clearance in polyuria

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3. Fig. 2. Effect of Diclofenac on potassium clearance in polyuria

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4. Fig. 3. Effect of Diclofenac on magnesium clearance in polyuria

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5. Fig. 4. Effect of Diclofenac on sodium clearance in nocturnal polyuria

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6. Fig. 5. Effect of Diclofenac on potassium clearance in nocturnal polyuria

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7. Fig. 6. Effect of Diclofenac on magnesium clearance in nocturnal polyuria

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