Use tibolone (livial) at patients with klimacteric cardiopathie

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In operation own data and analytical arguing about possibility of application replacement hormonal of therapy (RHT) Livial at patients with climacteric cardiopathies are represented. In an outcome of researches is installed, that Livial promotes improving systole of myocard and reduces a degree it hypertrophy; normalization intracardial and intravascular bloodstream, improving active activw relaxing of the left ventricle and rise of elasticity large artery’s. The tendency to normalization, and on early stages climacteric climacteric hypertension - normalization arterial of pressure, and also - improving trofics of the myocard, rise of its electrical stability and lowering arithmogenic is observed; an amplification anticoagulation and lowering procoagulation of a potential of blood with improving oj microcirculation. Obtained data specify validity and necessity RHT of Livial at the women with climacteric cardiopathies.

About the authors

L. L. Bobrov

Military Medical Academy

Author for correspondence.

General Therapy Clinic No. 1

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

S. V. Dudarenko

Military Medical Academy


General Therapy Clinic No. 1

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg

A. G. Qbrezan

Military Medical Academy


General Therapy Clinic No. 1

Russian Federation, St. Petersburg


Copyright (c) 1997 Eсо-Vector

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