Ovarian cancer: current approaches to classification, diagnostics, staging and differential management of patients

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Purpose of this study: systematic analysis of the data available in the modern scientific medical literature on contemporary aspects of the diagnosis, staging and differential treatment tactics of patients with epithelial ovarian tumors.

Research method used in this article is the systematic analysis of the medical literature, both domestic and western.

Results. This article attempts to summarize the experience of modern medicine and the world’s leading centers for the fight against ovarian cancer of epithelial origin and offer solutions relevant to everyday clinical practice. Problems of the modern classification of forms of the disease are described in detail; description of instrumental diagnostic methods also is given in thus article; problem of lack of effective proved themselves in clinical practice of screening methods also was disccused; and, thus, current understanding of the disease staging and differential tactics for treatment of patients are given.

Conclusion. One of the most important directions of development of gynecological oncology is a decision the existing problems related to the diagnosis and treatment of ovarian cancer: namely, the development of effective screening programs, improving diagnosis and therapy methods, the development of measures of postoperative management of patients with ovarian cancer, including medical rehabilitation measures.

About the authors

Antonina G Solopova

First Moscow Medical Sechenov University

Author for correspondence.
Email: antoninasolopova@yandex.ru

MD, professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medical and Preventive Medicine

Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

Victoria O Bitsadze

First Moscow Medical Sechenov University

Email: gemostasis@mail.ru

MD, professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medical and Preventive Medicine

Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

Alina E Solopova

First Moscow Medical Sechenov University

Email: dr.solopova@mail.ru

PhD, assistant professor of Department of Radiology

Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

Aleksandr D Makatsariya

First Moscow Medical Sechenov University

Email: gemostasis@mail.ru

MD, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Faculty of Medical and Preventive

Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

Ivan A Rozanov

First Moscow Medical Sechenov University

Email: exelbar@yandex.ru

6th year student of Faculty of Medical and Preventive Medicine

Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2017 Solopova A.G., Bitsadze V.O., Solopova A.E., Makatsariya A.D., Rozanov I.A.

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