Audit of quality of care in critical conditions in obstetrics (“near miss”)

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The article presents material about critical states in obstetric and gynecologic practice (“near miss”), obtained on the basis of their own research, as well as the data of domestic and foreign authors. It is shown that the main factor determining the outcome of the pregnancy and birth, is the quality of medical care provided to the woman. The characteristics of “near miss”, indicated the risk factors for its occurrence. A measure of the health care until serious complications of pregnancy and childbirth, as well as possible ways to reduce the frequency of their development.

About the authors

Eduard K. Ailamazian

D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, RAMS

Author for correspondence.
Professor, Academician of RAS, Director Russian Federation

Vladimir O. Atlasov

Maternity hospital No 9

chief doctor Russian Federation

Konstantin V. Yaroslavsky

Maternity hospital No 9

doctor-methodologist Russian Federation

Viktor K. Yaroslavsky

Maternity hospital No 9

Deputy chief physician on the care Russian Federation


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Copyright (c) 2016 Ailamazian E.K., Atlasov V.O., Yaroslavsky K.V., Yaroslavsky V.K.

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