A. Mueller (Victoria in Australia). - Two Curiosities in Midwifery practice. (Australasian Medical Gaz., 1894, VIII, p. 258). Two rare cases in obstetric practice

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1) Congenital cyst, emanating from the spine, as an obstacle to childbirth. In 30-year-olds, I-women in labor, the baby's head sank into the pelvic cavity, the cervix opened, but despite the good contractions, labor was delayed. Examining the pelvis of a woman in labor with his finger to find out the reason for stopping labor, Mueller felt a fluctuating tumor in the lower part of the sacral cavity, the size of a hen's egg. Dr. M .. checked the result of examination of the per rectum and found it more convenient to pierce the tumor with a test trocar from the rectum. In the fluid released from the tumor, the light, straw color turned out to be epithelial, cylindrical cells, indicating that the cyst was congenital (Eulenburg) and communicated with the cavity of the fetal spine. Childbirth ended with forceps, with great effort in the course of half an hour. The postpartum period went well.

About the authors

M. Ginzburg

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com
Russian Federation


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