On sarcomach of the uterus

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After Virchow had accurately established the concept of sarcomas in general, and in 1860 at the Berlin Gynaecological Society, the first undisputed case of uterine sarcomas was presented, confirmed by a thorough microscopic examination, a number of works on uterine sarcomas have appeared in the literature, some of which are purely caustic in nature and some provide a detailed description of the pathological and anatomical structure of tumours.

About the authors

F. K. Weber

Author for correspondence.
Email: info@eco-vector.com
Russian Federation


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  43. Leopold. Ueber Sarcoma uteri Arch. f. Gynaec. Bd. 6. 1875.
  44. Leopold-Fehling. Arch. f. Gynaecol. Bd. 7. 1876.
  45. Mayer-Virchow. Verchandl. d. Berlin. geburtsh. Gesellsch. Bd. 12. 1860.
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  74. Virchow. Krankhafte Geschwülste. 1864.
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Supplementary files

Supplementary Files
2. Fig. I

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3. Fig. II

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4. Fig. III

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5. Fig. IV

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6. Fig. V

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7. Fig. VI

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Copyright (c) 1898 Weber F.K.

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