Colpotomia post. or keliotomia vaginalis post., as a method of treatment of uterine appendages and their neoplasms.

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In 1857 W. Atlee for the first time made an attempt to use the incision of the vagina, in the posterior fornix, to remove the degenerated ovary. This operation is colpotomia post. later it was repeated by some of the gynecologists (G. Thomas, Davis, R. Battey) and, according to Mignon's statistics, before 1878, there were already up to 113 colpotomy in the literature. However, this method was soon completely abandoned. There were several reasons for this; The main thing can be considered the fact that at this time, that is, in 70-80 years, thanks to the beginning of the adoption of the basis of antiseptics in surgery, gynecology entered a new era of development of its therapy and the womb was broken by the operation, on which sympathies and attention of all gynecologists. The enthusiasm for this method of treatment, which among some of the operators reached the pruritus secandi, brought enormous services to the development of our science. Tubes and ovaries removed during the womb - these trophies of unreasonably "useless uvuchіy", have enriched the pathology rooms with extremely valuable material for a detailed study of the pathology and physiology of female reproductive development of organs.

About the authors

I. I. Fedorov

Author for correspondence.
Russian Federation


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  10. Mignon.—Thèse de Paris, 1878 г.
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  15. G. Thomas.—Amer. J. of medical sciences, 1870.
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Copyright (c) 1895 Fedorov I.I.

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