Discussion issues of management of pregnant women with thrombocytopenia

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The study of the pathogenesis of thrombocytopenia during pregnancy remains a very important problem, since hemostatic abnormalities continue to occupy one of the leading places among the causes of infertility, miscarriage and a large number of perinatal complications. Pregnant women with thrombocytopenia constitute a risk group for the development of bleeding events and thrombotic complications during pregnancy, in childbirth, and in the postpartum period. This article reviews literature data on the pathogenic causes of thrombocytopenia during pregnancy and on the main methods of treatment of the disease.

About the authors

Olga L. Mysik

Maternity Hospital No. 6 named after Prof. V.F. Snegiryov

Author for correspondence.
Email: olga_mysik88@mail.ru
ORCID iD: 0000-0002-8895-6845


Russian Federation, Saint Petersburg


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