Current feasibilities of early ovarian cancer detection

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We analyzed results of laparoscopic surgical treatment of 349 patients with ovarian tumors. Before surgery besides standard examination ultrasonography of pelvis and Ca-125 estimation was performed. After comparing of preoperative diagnosis with histopatological report was identified low sensitivity and specificity of ultrasonography and Ca-125 for assessment of tumor malignancy potential (32,35 %, 31,82 % and 72,55 %, 68,36 % respectively). It was concluded that nowadays the only method of early ovarian cancer detection is surgical treatment of patients with ovarian tumors, who have ultrasonography malignancy markers and increased Ca-125 level.

About the authors

Anzhella S Khadzhimba

Research-Practical Center of Specialized Kinds of Medical Care (oncologic)

physician oncologist of gynecologic oncologic department


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