Experience in the implementation of the single subtotal hysterectomy laparoscopic approach

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A comparison of the results of subtotal hysterectomy performed by various surgical procedures (SILS, laparoscopy). Indications for these types of surgical techniques, identified the advantages and disadvantages of each method of economic feasibility. It is shown that single-port surgery is characterized by the best cosmetic effect and less postoperative pain than with classical laparoscopy. It defines the single-port surgery as a safe method of choice for endoscopic treatment of uterine pathology.

About the authors

Igor O Marinkin

Novosibirsk State Medical University

Email: odinzovaso@mail.ru
doctor of medical sciences, professor, rector

Vasily A Odintsov

Medical Center “Avicenna”

Email: odinzovaso@mail.ru

Andrei I Shevela

Center of New Medical Technologies. Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine

Email: odinzovaso@mail.ru
Doctor of Medical Sciences, professor, honored doctor of the Russian Federation, head of the Center

Vladimir V Anischenko

Novosibirsk State Medical University

Email: odinzovaso@mail.ru
Doctor of Medicine, Professor, Head of Department of Surgery, Faculty of advanced training and retraining of doctors


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Copyright (c) 2016 Marinkin I.O., Odintsov V.A., Shevela A.I., Anischenko V.V.

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