Comparative study of the clinical parameters of pregnancy and childbirth in teenagers and women of the optimal reproductive age

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Objective. Pregnancy in teenagers is still frequent, while notions about the level of it’s safety and risk of specific obstetrical complications is controversial. Materials and methods. On the basis of interview and medical charts analysis in 500 minors (13 to 18 years) and 1500 women of the optimal reproductive age (20 to 25 years) for the years 2011-2014, social status, main clinical parameters of pregnancy and labor were examined. Results. The average age of young pregnant women was 17,2 ± 0,89 years. Among pregnant teens the students of schools and specialized secondary schools (57.8 %) were dominated, while majority of 20-25-year-olds (66.9 %) were employed. In adolescents, sexual debut was on average two years earlier than in the control group of women. Primigravida were 94.4 % of adolescents and 74.4 % of women aged 20-25. Among most common complications of pregnancy were anemia, threatened abortion, fetal hypoxia, gestational hypertension and preeclampsia. The risk of complications was slightly greater in young women. In 92.2 % of adolescents and 94.4 % of controls, pregnancy was finished with term delivery. The average duration of labor was similar in both groups. The rate of caesarean section was 13 % in minors and 17.6 % in 20-25 years-old women. Conclusions. Pregnancy in adolescents is usually unplanned and occurs in early onset of sexual relations, “socio-adjective position” and low professional status. Among minors precipitate delivery and preterm birth were more common as well as greater percentage of low birth weight newborns in comparison with 20-25 year old women.

About the authors

Татьяна М Laryusheva

Northern State Medical University

Email: а
post-graduate student of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology

Natal’ya G Istomina

Northern State Medical University

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assistant of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology

Aleksey N Baranov

Northern State Medical University

Email: а
PhD, DSc, professor, Head of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology


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Copyright (c) 2016 Laryusheva Т.М., Istomina N.G., Baranov A.N.

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