Diagnosis and prediction of acute endometritis according to informative features of cell immunity

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Immunosuppression of all the research features of cell immunity, high values of displacement and disintegration of T-helpers, citotoxi T-lymphocyte and natural killers, the increase of correlation among cell immunity components were revealed at 78 patients with acute endometritis by indirect immunophluoresent method. According to intermodal points of displacement, disintegration, information, modeling of clinical situation and correlation connections on a system level the main diagnostic features of acute endometritis are absolute and relative number of T-helpers, absolute content of natural helpers. The definition of the 3 above mentioned points of cell immunity would help to cut down financial expenses and prediction of acute endometritis easier.

About the authors

Nikolay Mikhaylovich Agarkov

South-West State University

Email: Nikiti4007@yandex.ru
Doctor of Medical Science, Professor of biomedical engineering faculty

Elena Panteleyevna Afanasova

South-West State University

Email: nvakinina@yandex.ru
Candidate of Medical Science, Postgraduate of biomedical engineering faculty

Irina Vasilievna Budnik

S. P. Botkin Municipal Clinic

Email: irina31@yandex.ru
Doctor of Medical Science, сhief of gynecological department


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Copyright (c) 2014 Agarkov N.M., Afanasova E.P., Budnik I.V.

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