Comparison of laboratory methods for diagnosis of Trichomonas vaginalis

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The paper presents data on comparison of microscopy, culture and molecular (PCR) methods for diagnosis of trichomoniasis, as well as on evaluation of the quality of culture media for isolation of trichomonads produced by Russian and international manufacturers. The highest sensitivity was shown for the molecular (real-time PCR) method. Microscopy of stained and wet smears demonstrated relatively high sensitivity. The culture media that are widely used in our country for Trichomonas vaginalis isolation need optimization.

About the authors

Zinaida Mikhaylovna Martikaynen

D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, RAMS

PhD, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Microbiology

Aleksey Nikolayevich Grigoryev

D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, RAMS

Researcher, Laboratory of Microbiology

Olga Sergeyevna Ryzhkova

D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, RAMS

Researcher, Laboratory of Microbiology

Yelena Vasilyevna Shipitsyna

D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, RAMS

PhD, Senior Researcher, Laboratory of Microbiology

Alevtina Mikhaylovna Savicheva

D. O. Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, RAMS

MD, Professor, Head of the Laboratory of Microbiology

Irina Viktorovna Litvinenko

City Dermato-venerological Dispensary

Head of the Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory

Alla Valentinovna Galkina

City Dermato-venerological Dispensary

Bacteriologist of the Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory

Nina Igorevna Kudryavtseva

City Dermato-venerological Dispensary

Bacteriologist of the Clinical Diagnostic Laboratory

Yelena Mikhaylovna Tangatarova

City Dermato-venerological Dispensary

Head of the Outpatient Department

Olga Aleksandrovna Lomakina

City Dermato-venerological Dispensary


Yelena Petrovna Protasova

City Dermato-venerological Dispensary


Svetlana Yuryevna Romantseva

City Dermato-venerological Dispensary



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Copyright (c) 2014 Martikaynen Z.M., Grigoryev A.N., Ryzhkova O.S., Shipitsyna Y.V., Savicheva A.M., Litvinenko I.V., Galkina A.V., Kudryavtseva N.I., Tangatarova Y.M., Lomakina O.A., Protasova Y.P., Romantseva S.Y.

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